


大陸盲人維權人士陳光誠走出美國駐北京大使館後,立刻成為全球輿論的焦點,關於他走出使館的原因及他是否願意離開中國,各媒體眾說紛紜,對美國政府的批評聲也此起彼伏。 5月4號凌晨,幫助陳光誠逃離軟禁的北京學者郭玉閃在新浪微博上發文說,陳光誠委託他向外界發表聲明,澄清一些事實。








不過,中美兩國關於陳光誠的協議在中國是否能夠真正得到實行,各界都表示懷疑。就在中美雙方就陳光誠去留問題展開談判,全球媒體聚焦陳光誠的同時,美國有線電視新聞網CNN記者Steven Jiang,5月2號前往陳光誠此前遭軟禁的家鄉,山東臨沂沂南縣東師古村採訪,再度遭到粗暴對待。






Chen Guangcheng consigns Guo Yushan to release his latest statement

After the blind human rights activist in mainland China left

the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, he immediately became the focus of global public opinion. Regarding the reasons why he left the embassy and whether

he is willing to leave China, various media have different opinions.

The U.S. government faces criticisms one after another.

On the early morning of May 4th, Beijing-based scholar

Guo Yushan, who helped Chen Guangcheng flee from house arrest,

wrote articles on his Sina microblog stating that Chen

Guangcheng entrusted him to release a public statement in order to clarify some facts.

Guo Yushan said on his microblog that, first, Chen

Guangcheng is concerned for the safety of the people who helped rescue him from Shandong.

However, when he heard that the media reported that he had

a drastic change of heart, he was very surprised.

He also feels sorry that his entry to the U.S. Embassy has

brought pressure to the U.S.

Meanwhile, Chen Guangcheng said that some U.S. diplomats

wanted to visit him,

but they were not able to meet him for communications

because they were prevented from doing so.

Chen Guangcheng consigned Guo Yushan to release his

four points to the public.

First, Chen Guangcheng has never said to the media that he

wants to seek political asylum.

What he said was that he wanted to go to US and have a rest

for several months, then go back to China.

Therefore, reports stating that he changed his mind are not

really factual.

Second, Chen Guangcheng never directly or indirectly

accused the U.S. embassy of forcing him out of the embassy.

He left the embassy voluntarily and feels grateful for

the help from the embassy.

He is grateful to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Ambassador

Gary Locke and the American diplomats who helped him.

Third, on the first day that he went to the hospital, there were

unpleasant happenings which brought inconvenience and suffering to he and his family.

So he was anxious and tense, especially when he found out

that his wife had been threatened by the Shandong officials.

Fourth, he’s thankful for the attention and care of the global

media and hopes the media has a full understanding of his emotions. He does not want to let all those who have helped and continue

To help him feel embarrassed or misunderstand.

CNN reporters again suffered violence on May 2nd when interviewing in Linyi

The public is showing doubts about whether the Sino-US

bilateral agreement on Chen Guangcheng will really be implemented in China.

While China and America are negotiating the issue of whether

Chen Guangcheng should stay or go,

and global media are focusing on Chen Guangcheng,

U.S. Cable News Network CNN reporter Steven Jiang suffered violent treatment on May 2nd.

He had gone for an interview in Shigu Village, Yinan County

of Shangdong Linyi, Chen Guangcheng’s hometown where he had been under house-arrest.

British media: the myth of CCP’s invincibleness was crushed

The online edition of British Financial Times published

an article on Thursday (May 3rd) saying that

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s invincible control

over China has been crushed.

The people are starting to discuss the corrupt system

under CCP’s 63 year rule.

BBC quoted the Financial Times article saying that former

secretary of Chongqing Public Security Bureau Wang Lijun

and the blind activist lawyer Chen Guangcheng successively

went to US consulate and embassy in China to seek asylum.

However, the two men are totally different.

The Wang Lijun incident has exposed the weakness of CCP,

while Chen Guangcheng’s has shown the potential power in challenging CCP.

The article also said that the voice of people in mainland China

that are urging CCP to find a new model of development is growing louder and louder.

“China is at a crossroads" has become one of the hot phrases

in the daily discussion of intellectuals and ordinary people.
