【禁聞】中共官員威脅 陳光誠離開美使館












Threatened by Chinese officials, Chen Guangchen left US Embassy

China’s blind human rights lawyer Chen Guanchen, who

fled house arrest last week, entered the US Embassy seeking protection.

His case received international attention.

The latest information revealed Chen left US Embassy for

the hospital on May 2nd with Ambassador Gary Locke’s car.

He did not voluntary leave, he was threatened to do so

by CCP officials.

AP reported that when he spoke to a journalist via phone, he

claimed US officials forwarded him a threatening message from the CCP.

Chen said in the report that an American Official told him

the CCP threatened to kill his wife if he did not leave the US Embassy.

A tweet from Chinese Human Rights lawyer Teng Biao

on Wednesday said he asked Chen, “It is said you were threatened, is that true?"

Chen answered: “absolutely true. This afternoon in Chaoyang

Hospital, people from Foreign Affairs department said,

if you don’t leave US Embassy, Yuan Jingwei and

your children will be sent back to Shandong."

Chen also said, “the officials from Shandong who sent Yuan

here are still around, have not returned to Shandong yet."

AP said Chen is now worried for his safety and wants

to leave China.

In an interview with US C4news, he said he was sent

to the hospital not because of his health condition, but because of an agreement.

In the report, he said the CCP turned his home into a prison,

with 7 monitoring cameras and electronic fences.

He said in the report that his biggest wishes is leaving China

for a rest, because he hasn’t had a weekend for 7 years.

Netizens tweeted that as soon as Chen got out of the US

Ambassador’s car, he was immediately brought into CCP security police’s custody.

Friends and foreign journalists who went to the hospital

for a visit were stopped by security police. Now US diplomats have left.

Chen was being closely monitored on the 9th floor

of Chaoyang hospital, isolated from the outside world.

Netizens who tried to visit him at midnight said the hospital

was heavily policed and difficult to access.

There are many discussions around Chen’s current situation.

Many Chinese netizens were disappointed at US’s naive trust

of CCP’s word, and are worried for Chen’s future.

Washington Post said it looked like the US government was

Political critic Zhang Tianliang said the hospital was heavily

policed which means Zhou Yongkang is fighting back.

The current situation looks like Hu and Wen have promised

to protect Chen’s safety and will investigate his illegal house

arrest, while Zhou clearly realizes the impact this has on

himself, so he’s trying to chase Chen out of China.

Regarding Chen’s future, Zhang Tianliang said that the US

Department of State said that U.S officials have guaranteed his safety.

If Obama wants to be re-elected, he will have to make sure

of Chen Guangcheng’s safety.
