














採訪/張德容 編輯/宋風 後製/君卓


Hero of Retreating Robber: Courage From Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance

Facing a robber with a pistol and bomb in his hand, a 41-year-old supermarket sales clerk in Hong Kong successfully makes the robber retreat by encouraging

kindness, and the armed criminal fled out of the door. The clerk was honored by the media as a “hero”.

In reality, the clerk was a Falun Gong practitioner believing in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.

According to a report by 『The Epoch Times』, Kuang Senqia, the hero who made an armed robber retreat, and nicknamed by Hong Kong media as “Hero Jiang”, worked in the supermarket for 11 years. At 4 o’clock in the morning on December 24th 2011,

Kuang didn’t panic when facing a man dressing in black with pistol and bomb in his hands. Instead, he remained calm and encouraged kindness to the robber.

The young masked man was about 30 years old, with a mainland Chinese accent.

Finally, the robber had a realization, took his pistol and bomb, and fled out of the door. The whole incident lasted only three to five minutes.

People are wondering where his courage came from. Some media said that he is a Buddhist. Kuang Senqia solemnly clarified that he is not a Buddhist, but a Falun Gong practitioner.

Kuang Senqia spoke to The Epoch Times:“Our Master teaches us to be a good person according to Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.He also hopes more and more people become good persons. Therefore, I do not want the robber to commit this crime, just thinking good for the robber. I hope he will not do such a stupid thing, and instead repent and be saved.”

According to Chinese Communist Party statistics, before the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, the number of practitioners was between seventy and eighty million.These people were practicing Falun Gong, which greatly improved their physical condition. It also saved a lot of medical expenses for the country.

These people follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in their daily lives. They don’t care about personal gain, do good things for others and treat others well. This became the cornerstone of China’s social stability.

Bian Hexiang, spokesman for the “China Social Democratic Party" commented.

Although Falun Gong has been persecuted, it has a tremendous impact on today’s China. He believes that the number, quality and spirit of sacrifice of Falun Gong practitioners clarifying the truth are far more than other groups. They are helping the Chinese people clearly understand the nature of the CCP.

Bian Hexiang: “The wide spreading of the 『Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party』 by Falun Gong in China has played a very important role. I know information from domestic friends that, regardless of whether large or small cities, many people are distributing 『Nine Commentaries』 secretly. So here we can see that after being persecuted by the CCP for 13 years, the strength of Falun Gong is not, as CCP said, greatly hurt. On the contrary, I think their strength is stronger.”

Bian Hexiang also believes in the truth of what goes around, comes around.

Bian Hexiang: “I also believe in God. You can see such people who persecute Falun Gong most harshly, such as Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai and so on. I think it’s a kind of retribution for them. From the current point of view, Bo Xilai is nearly be imprisoned, and be detained and interrogated. The situation of Zhou Yongkang is now very bad, because he openly supported Bo Xilai, in particular in the persecution of Falun Gong. He has the same congenial odor as Bo Xilai. So I think his time will be not long.”

However, in reality, Kuang Senqia’s family life is still full of fear of being persecuted.

Mrs. Zhang Lihong, Kuang Senqia’s wife, commented: “I am Zhang Lihong, Hong Kong resident, and Kuang Senqia’s wife. If there were no persecution, we would

have a happy family. However, during the 13 years, either my husband or I have been arrested. I have no alternative but be displaced with our two children.

Even when I gave birth to my baby in the hospital, we were followed and our home was raided.”

Zhang Lihong said that in the 13 years of persecution, their family was separated for three years. The two children are now 12 and 11 years old. Because of persecution, they did not attend school for even one day from their early childhood. Now they have moved to a third country. Due to the infiltration of CCP in Hong Kong, they are facing the risk of being arrested at any time and being sent to prison.

In regard this, Bian Hexiang called on that, in such an evil regime of the CCP, those enlightened officials should try their best to do some good things. In the upcoming liquidation of the CCP, people will remember those who have done good things.
