







—-《百度》現:一億人三退 退黨保命—-





Falun Gong practitioners Commemorate the 13 Year anniversary of the 4.25 Peaceful Appeal

Today is the 13-year anniversary of

the April 25th Peaceful Appeal.

Starting this past weekend, Falun Gong practitioners have been

holding parades and rallies to raise awareness of the event,

calling for a stop to the persecution of Falun Gong,

and bringing Jiang Zemin plus other culprits to justice.

On April 22nd, Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners held

a large-scale parade.

The spectacular parade shocked many residents and tourists.

Tourists from Mainland China who saw Falun Gong Parades

for the first time were especially keen to learn more about it.

On the same day, at Taipei’s freedom square, Falun Gong

Practitioners held rallies to commemorate the event, which surprised many Chinese tour-bus travelers.

At the same time, Falun Gong practitioners all over the world

are holding a series of events in dozens of cities including

Europe, Australia, and North America to display the truth

of Falun Dafa, and call for an end to the persecution.

On April 25th, 1999, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners

peacefully appealed to the Letter and Call office of State Council in Beijing,

asking for legal rights in practicing Falun Dafa.

For over ten hours they stood on the street side quietly.

No slogans were shouted, no banners were held, neither did

they interrupt the traffic nor pedestrians,

which eventually led to a successful dialogue

between the government and the public.

This successful dialogue was unprecedented in the 50 year

history of communist ruling in China.

However, three months later, the event which was described

as “the largest scale, most peaceful and successful appeal

in modern Chinese history" was defamed as an “attack

and assault" by the CCP under Jiang Zemin’s leadership.

Jiang and CCP used this excuse to initiate the cruel

persecution of Falun Gong, which is ongoing.

Baidu Shows Millions are Quitting CCP

At a sensitive time when Falun Gong practitioners

commemorate the Peaceful Appeal of 13 years ago, the largest

search engine in China, Baidu.com, has displayed content

regarding the Quit CCP movement.

After temporary unblocking information about Shen Yun

Performing Arts, Organ Harvesting, Zhuan Falun,

and other topics related to Falun Gong not long ago, a second

unblocking of Falun Gong information has taken place.

On April 24th, when searching Baidu.com using the keywords

“Millions Quit CCP," the first search result that came up

was an NTD TV news piece entitled, “A Hundred Million

Chinese Quit CCP Impacted Its leadership."

The second search result was “where would be your path,

Quitting CCP More Than a Hundred Million."

A Baidu.com search result also yielded Quit CCP photo

albums, including many pictures from the Nine Commentaries.

Since its publishing in 2004, the Nine Commentaries

on the Communist Party has helped many Chinese understand

the evil nature of CCP, and has triggered a Quit CCP

movement and other affiliated organizations.

Now, more than 115 million Chinese have published

withdrawals from the CCP on the Epoch Times website, and the number grows by 60,000 per day.
