【禁聞】撤職薄熙來 中共放風餵料












採訪/陳漢 編輯/唐睿 後製/蕭宇


CCP Releases Information to Foreign Media in Reporting the Dismissal of Bo Xilai

As Bo Xilai was removed from all his in-party positions,

and his wife was reported to be involved in a murder case,

a new round of turbulence was added to

the Wang Lijun incident’s aftermath.

This time the CCP appeared to have a different strategy

from the usual,

by releasing information to foreign media while at the

same time strengthening control over domestic coverage, especially on the Internet.

On April 10th, as foreign media reported one after another

on the removal of Bo Xilai from all of his in-party positions,

a rumor started to spread quickly on China’s micro blog

websites which said that the CCP central committee

would soon officially announce the news on TV.

Many Chinese consequently waited to watch the

7pm CCTV news, trying to confirm the truth of the rumor.

Though the 7pm program didn’t mention any word

about Bo Xilai,

at 11pm the news was updated on the website of

CCTV and Xinhua agency.

Political commentator Heng He remarked that,

while dealing with the Bo Xilai incident,

the CCP leader group had continuously “fed” the

foreign media with their messages.

(Heng He) says: “Releasing messages via foreign media

to realize some political purpose is a traditional strategy for the CCP,

especially during its inner power struggle.

The CCP’s operations are always kept as a secret in China,

and they never want the Chinese people to discuss

too much about the in-party struggle,

that’s why they prefer foreign media to report

these kinds of news first.

On the one hand, they can probe the global reaction

to learn about public opinions;

on the other hand they can pressure their rivals

by the power from media.”

Heng He further said that, the CCP leader group

including Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, had always regarded Bo Xilai as a threat;

and although they had long intended to suppress Bo,

they had found it very difficult;

that’s because Bo Xilai’s “singing red songs” was consistent

with the CCP’s history and tradition, which nobody had ever managed to deny;

in this scenario, the Hu-Wen group was faced with a

dilemma in that if they wanted to deal with Bo, they had to touch the CCP’s foundation as well.

(Heng He) asks: ”Why is it like that? Because the CCP

never truly questioned itself or

acknowledged any mistake in its history despite the

innumerable crimes that it had committed.

It always becomes “great, honorable and always right” again

after so-called “route adjustments”.

Therefore all the historical problems have been

accumulating until today,

they have now become the main barrier for the CCP

in dealing with its inner problems.

If the CCP had had the courage to deny its historical mistakes,

such as the whole Cultural Revolution and

the 17 years before that, the regime would never have had

to face such difficulties.”

There had been rumors in Beijing two years ago that Bo Xilai

would replace Zhou Yongkang as the next secretary of Political and Legislative Committee.

Heng He remarked that, Bo was chosen because Jiang Zemin’s

faction needed a person who would be sure to continue its policy of persecuting Falun Gong,

so as to be able to avoid the risk of those responsible

being brought to justice;

however, when Wang Lijun defected to U.S. Consulate

in Chengdu, it was said on the Internet that

he had submitted to the U.S. government the evidence

which proved Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang’s conspiracy to seize power from Xi Jinping.

(Heng He) says :”You can see that in dealing with Bo Xilai,

a big problem for Hu and Wen is that of how to officially finalize his prosecution.

Even knowing that Bo and Zhou had a plan to prevent

Xi Jinping from taking over power,

it’s still difficult to decide upon the specific final steps

to be taken against them.

We can see that until now there’s been no official

announcement on that.

Why? Because they don’t want to expose the power struggle

going on inside the CCP to the public.”

Heng He further remarked that, Bo Xilai had carried out

numerous unjust prosecutions during his rule in Chongqing;

similarly the Political and Legislative system had also

committed countless crimes all over China;

it is the CCP’s theoretical foundation and power-struggle

tradition which continuously nourishes conspiracies and coups.

Heng He concluded that, without eliminating the CCP

completely, someone else will continue to do similar things after Bo has been gotten rid of;

in this sense, Hu-Wen’s success in defeating Bo Xilai was

indeed an accomplishment favored by the will of heaven.
