【禁聞】美華萊士去世 江澤民沾光“大熱”



邁克•華萊士(Mike Wallace)引領「調查式報導」,給觀眾一種像華萊士這樣的記者就是他們的捍衛者的感覺。





2000年,江澤民被香港女記者問及是否「欽點」董建華連任行政長官,江勃然大怒說,「西方的哪個國家我沒去過,美國的華萊士比你們不知道高到哪裏去了,我跟他談笑風生。」並訓斥香港記者「too young,too simple,sometimes naive」







美國「有線電視新聞網」CNN(Cable News Network)對華萊士的評價是,他與腐敗政客、官僚爭鬥了半個世紀。





採訪/周玉林 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Wallace Death and Jiang

Mike Wallace, a veteran interviewer for U.S. News

and the host of “60 Minutes”, a flagship program of CBS,

died in Connecticut on the night of April 7, aged of 93.

Wallace worked for over 60 years, and was world-famous

for his sharp interview style and unique in-depth coverage.

Wallace had interviewed a number of well-known

international political figures, including the Chinese Communist dictators, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin.

Mike Wallace had led investigative reports which made the

audience feel well defended.

In 1968, Wallace joined the 『60 Minutes』 production group,

presiding over 800 exclusive investigative news reports.

Wallace had interviewed former US President George Bush,

as well as Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon and Kennedy.

Among foreign leaders: Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega,

former Israeli PM Menachem Begin, former Iranian supreme

leader Khomeini and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,

and the Chinese Communists Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin.

Wallace’s interview style had been famous for being serious

and rigorous, and for catching the respondent off guard;

CCP former leader Jiang Zemin had always been proud

to accept Wallace’s interview.

Jiang Zemin has always been proud to accept

Wallace’s interview.

In 2000, a Hong Kong female reporter asked Jiang Zemin

if he had 『re-assigned』 Tung Chee-hwa as Chief Executive.

Jiang raged: “I don’t know of any Western countries which

I haven’t visited. Wallace in the US is far beyond you,

but we were having a laugh together… You’re too young,

too simple, sometimes naive."

In China, “laughing with Wallace" has become a hot word

online, with “Too young, too simple” also being made fun of by netizens, after Wallace’s death.

Commentators Zhao Pei believe that, netizens ridiculing

Jiang Zemin, reflects Jiang’s position in people’s minds.

Zhao Pei: “When Jiang Zemin accepted Wallace’s interview,

Wallace had been laughed at and lied to on camera.

Jiang said that Wang Weilin who had stood in front of the

tank was not arrested, and he was an elected leader.

Jiang’s cheeky performance shows that

he is obviously a clown type of character."

In fact, Wallace in the interview with Jiang Zemin in 2000,

he directly speaking out that Jiang Zemin, the Communist Party dictator.

He said: “For me, you’re a dictator, a power advocates,

but frankly speaking, I do not agree with you."

Zhao Pei says, with Wallace’s death and the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP)’s internal struggle, Jiang Zemin pushed again to the thunder of the wave.

Zhao Pei: “Within the CCP, Jiang Zemin and his faction, and

the Hu Jintao Group are now in the straits."

Recently Chinese search engine Baidu had lifted the ban on

the 『Mother of the country』 song, “Zuying" about Jiang’s mistress,

showing that the fighting directly pointed to Jiang.

Wallace’s death made more Chinese become clear about

the crimes committed by Jiang Zemin—

as an evil chieftain of the CCP—for example,

with the 『6-4』 massacre and blockade of speech."

USCNN (Cable News Network) says Wallace had battled

with corrupt politicians and bureaucrats for half a century.

Another Chinese asylum in the US died, which also caused

great shock in the United States and China.

April 6: 76-year-old Professor Fang Lizhi, pioneer in China’s

early democracy movement, suddenly died.

Lin Baohua, CCP history scholar and senior media person,

says Fang Lizhi’s death will be the last attack to China’s authoritarian society.

Zhang Xinyu, founder of the Global Information Freedom

Campaign website said, “Hu Yaobang had died at 74.”

Deng Xiaoping died at 85 years old, but was damnable; Fang

Lizhi is 76 year old, and may not stay for long; Li Peng is 84.

and Jiang Zemin is 86—they should die. It’s a pity people

die when they should not, and some do not die but should.”

Zhang Xinyu says the current situation is “strikingly similar"

to April 1989, when people everywhere said that

“Damnable people do not die, but good people died.”

It is the same now.

In 2012, the CCP, which “only has brutal Party spirit but no

humanity"—should quit the stage of history.
