【禁聞】全軍審計小組成立 胡項莊舞劍?














採訪/常春 編輯/李明飛 後製/孫寧

Military Audit Team Formed: Does Hu Mean to Purge Jiang’s Military Team?

Recently, CCP military organizations have been making signals.

Since the “Liberation Army Daily” published a couple of articles

to articulate its loyalty to Hu Jintao,

the CCP Central Military Committee has established the “Military

Audit Team” and the audit team called a meeting immediately.

Some analysts think that Hu Jintao actually means to purge

Jiang’s people from the military through promoting anti-corruption.

Pang, Xilong has assumed the leadership of the

“Military Audit Team”.

Pang is a member of the CCP Central Military Commission and

the General of the Military Logistics Department.

In the meeting Pang announced that Hu Jintao had approved

the establishment of the “Audit Team”.

Pang called on all levels of government structures to

support this decision in their action and ideology.

He claimed that the “Audit Team” will be more powerful so as

to be able to supervise military corruption more effectively.

CCP military corruption has been the object of

public denunciation for a very long time.

In January 2012, Liu Yuan, the Political Instructor of

the Logistics Department, had even pointed out that

corruption had taken strong root in the army and

had spread throughout.

The disclosure of the extent of military corruption

has already threatened the existence of the CCP regime.

Wu Fan is the chief editor of the publication “China’s Affairs”.

He thinks that it is only a “temporary solution” for the CCP

to promote anti-corruption in the military by forming

an “internal audit team” because all organizations within

the CCP system are prone to corruption .

Wu Fan points out that: “The military system is not open to

the public, so military corruption is only known to the military itself.

The State Council and the CCP Central Committee are not

able to find a way to investigate military corruption.

Therefore, a special internal audit team was formed

to perform the investigation.

Nevertheless, it cannot solve the fundamental problem

due to the characteristics of CCP regime system.”

It’s widely known that “anti-corruption” is only a lever that

the different CCP factions usually use for attacking each other.

The recently formed “Military Audit Team” is also a political tool

which is used in the fighting between different CCP factions.

Especially since, because of the expanding influence from the

“Bo & Wang incident”,

the conflicts between the Hu &Wen faction and

the Jiang faction are getting fiercer.

The conflicts about power allocation and “political route”

between the different CCP factions have risen to the surface.

Wu Fan also thinks that there is a hidden motive behind

the establishment of the audit team.

Hu Jintao actually means to build up his prestige in the military

and to purge Jiang’s faction from the army.

Wu Fan says that: “Hu Jintao is trying to draw people

to his side through his anti-corruption drive.

Of course, Hu wants to attack his political enemies

through his anti-corruption drive.

As for those that he doesn’t like,

those that don’t listen to him,

those with dissident thoughts and those that support

a nationalized military, Hu will punish them hard.”

Recently, the “Liberation Army Daily” declared many times

that they would stay with the CCP Central Committee headed by Hu Jintao.

No matter whenever or wherever, the army would absolutely

follow the command of Chairman Hu.

Meanwhile, those from Jiang’s faction also turned to Hu.

The generals and instructors of different military organizations

in different regions also swear loyalty to Chairman Hu.

Xia Xiaoqiang, overseas online writer, thinks that in the

CCP system, only through acquiring support from the military can one start a fight against one’s political enemies.

For example, “the Cultural Revolution” of Mao Zedong and

“The 4 June massacre” of Deng Xiaoping were both performed with the full support of the military.

Xia Xiaoqiang thinks that now that Hu Jintao has finally

obtained military power.

What Hu & Wen are planning to take down includes

not only Zhou Yongkang, who is the representative of Jiang’s faction that is “in debt of blood”.

Hu & Wen are also planning to take down those who Jiang

racked his brains to plug in to the Political and Judiciary Committee,

and into the many different government departments

and the military.
