【禁聞】敏感時期 陸媒清明祭胡耀邦引聯想


【新唐人2012年4月5日訊】在中共中央前總書記胡耀邦逝世23年的時刻,4月3號,大陸媒體發出緬懷文章。文章寫道:胡耀邦墓前像徵著當時12億民眾的12個大石頭無語簇擁﹔而胡耀邦的側面雕像,任憑歲月風雨的洗禮,「凝眉憂思的面龐依然清晰」。 在中共十八大換屆前夕,這篇「胡耀邦墓前清明祭」引發大陸政治體制改革走向的聯想。胡耀邦智囊阮銘表示:中共體制內談改革永遠也改革不了。





阮銘:「 只有鄧小平他才是反對民主的。民主就是體制外,民主怎麼是體制內呀?民主就是遊行示威,有反對的自由,有言論自由。體制內就是封閉的。」



胡平:「 人們要是堅持把憲法這些關於自由的條文切實兌現,它實際上本身就會導致整個制度的解體,所有現在的極權國家都有這麼一個特點,它都要承認一切權力來自於人民,而我們知道共產黨它從來不會把這些話兌現,它用別的東西把這些話壓住。反過來一旦人民或它的領導者都來要求這些話兌現,那這個制度就轉型了。不管是當年蘇聯的戈爾巴喬夫或者是東歐的國家,甚麽匈牙利領導人等,他們就是這麼做的。就促成了這樣的轉型,促成了共產黨組織本身的解體。」



採訪編輯/常春 後製/黎安安


China』s Media Commemorate Hu Yaobang

On 3rd April, China』s media reports commemorated the 23rd anniversary of Hu Yaobang』s death. Hu Yaobang was the former General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). “Condolences on Tomb-sweeping Day for Hu Yaobang”, the article provoked an association of the mainland』s political reform path ahead on the eve of the CCP』s leadership transition. Ruan Ming, the think-tank of Hu Yaobang, says that talk of reform will never succeed if being carried out from within the CCP system.

Former CCP leader Hu Yaobang rehabilitated a large number of CCP veteran cadres and intellectuals who had been persecuted during the cultural revolution.

A series of widespread student protests started in December 1986, demanding “democratic elections and anti-corruption”. The event triggered Hu Yaobang』s eventual resignation.

Hu Yaobang died from sudden cardiac arrest on 15th April, 1989. Beijing students held an activity to commemorate him, and called for reform. This led to the later global sensation of the Tiananmen Square Democracy Movement of 1989.

Magazine Yanhuang Chunqiu published a 6000-word article authored by Liu Chongwen, Hu Yaobang’s political secretary. The article, “Hu Yaobang』s Last Days", revealed some details of Hu』s life before his death. “Hu Yaobang was very depressed and hoped the central leadership could correctly assess the 『student protest』. He believes that the democratic wave is a world trend, and

no one can stop it.”, said the article.

Ruan Ming, the former think-tank of Hu Yaobang, comments that China should choose to take the path of democracy. It is impossible to succeed by only relying on the reform carried-out from within the CCP system.

Ruan Ming: “Only Deng Xiaoping himself opposed democracy. Democracy is outside the CCP system, how can it exist within the CCP system? To be exact, democracy allows for demonstration, the freedom to express opposition and the freedom of speech. All these are blocked off inside (the CCP) system."

In 2010, the CCP Premier Wen Jiabao publicly praised the contribution that Hu Yaobang had made. Wen』s talk was deemed as his intention to inherit the unfulfilled wish of Hu Yaobang, said outside comments. At the press conference for this year』s “two sessions", Wen Jiabao emphasized the need for political reform. Wen also warned that China was in danger of experiencing a recurrence of the cultural revolution.

According to Hu Ping, chief editor of “Beijing Spring" magazine, the communist system has its nominal constitution and outwardly recognizes the freedom of speech, freedom of association, election of officers at all levels, and so on.

While in practice, it deprives of these freedoms, invalidating the constitution to a scrap of paper.

Hu Ping: “If the people insist on fulfilling these provisions of freedom that are stipulated in the constitution, the fulfilling itself would lead to the disintegration of the entire (CCP) system. All existing totalitarian regimes share such a common feature that they admit all the power comes from the people themselves. But as we know the CCP has never fulfilled these promises. It used other things to press against it and hold them off. But once the people or even the regime』s leaders all want to put these words into practice, the system will be transformed. Like Gorbachev of the former Soviet Union or Eastern Bloc or the Hungarian leaders, they all did so. That contributed to the transformation, and to the disintegration of the Communist Party itself.”

Expert in China issues, Zhao Yuanming, comments on how to carry out China』s reform. The first step should be to set up a genuine multi-party system so as to form a system of mutual checks and balances. This will avoid one-party dominance, says Zhao.

According to political commentator Zhao Pei, the CCP oligarchic political system claiming to carry out political reform is just tinkering with the system. Zhao Pei points out that carrying out so-called political reform is just postponing the CCP』s downfall. It will not bring any real hope to China, he says.
