【禁聞】推動公民權益 茅于軾獲經濟自由獎


【新唐人2012年3月31日訊】美國的「卡託研究所」(Cato Institute)29號宣佈,中國著名經濟學家茅于軾,獲得美國今年的「弗裡德曼自由獎」(Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty),表彰他對推動自由市場經濟與個人自由的貢獻。「米爾頓•弗里德曼自由獎」是以諾貝爾經濟學獎得主米爾頓•弗裡德曼的名義設立,每兩年頒發一次,以表彰那些對推動個人自由作出巨大貢獻的人。












採訪/周玉林 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬


Mao Yushi Receives Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty

The Cato Institute announced on March 29 that Mao Yushi,

China economist, has been awarded the 2012 Milton

Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty (MFPAL)

for his achievements in free markets and individual rights.

Milton Friedman was a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize

in Economic Sciences, and MFPAL was founded in his name.

The award is presented every other year to an individual who

has made a significant contribution to advancing human freedom.

After a worldwide nomination process, Cato Institute

presented the MFPAL award to Mao Yushi.

Cato Institute believes that Mao Yushi is one of the pioneers

for individual rights and a free market in China.

Mao Yushi has been an advocate for an open and transparent

political system in China.

He has devoted himself to China’s transition from a planned

economy to a free market economy.

When he learned the news, Mao Yushi said that winning

the award is encouragement for all who devoted themselves to freedom in China.

Mao Yushi’s student, Duan Shaoyi, MBA lecturer at Beijing

Normal University and editor of the economist column told NTD that Mao Yushi’s award is well deserved.

Duan Shaoyi, “He is the most prominent person to push

China toward freedom.

This award is global recognition of Mao Yushi, and can also

further Mao Yushi’s influence on freedom and democracy in China.”

In 1993, Mao founded the Uni-rule Institute of Economics, an

independent think-tank to promote market economy reform.

It stresses that privilege is the biggest bottleneck hindering

China’s economic growth.

In researching China’s economic problems, Mao Yushi

devoted himself to development of public rights.

He considers it important to promote civil rights

and society’s transition to a market economy.

Mao Yushi points out, “the so-called public ownership

is controlling the entire nation’s assets.

This is where privilege comes from.”

He added that public ownership is for starving everyone.

However, the privilege issue is related to public ownership,

thus privilege should be eliminated and privatization carried out.

Last year, Mao Yushi told NTD that basic universal values

are mankind’s morals.

Mao Yushi, “Actually, from the long-term view of human’s

history, the general direction of development follows the rule of universal values.

That is human rights, fairness and freedom. Anything

conflicting with universal values needs to be adjusted.

In the future, the world should have a system of respecting

human rights, fairness, freedom, democracy and the legal system.”

As a renowned economist, Mao Yushi has dared to criticise

China’s policies via his many published articles.

On March 27, on his microblog, Mao Yushi suggested to abolish

all levels of the CCP’s Political and Legislative Committees (PLC).

He remarked that since most embezzlers are party members,

the CCP can not be trusted to govern the legislation.

Mao Yushi added that PLC’s interferences in legislation

should be stopped or highly restricted.

Prof. Zhang Zanning at Southeast University School of Law

said that the PLC is an illegal branch, it affects legislation independence, and, its “like a tumour.”

Zhang Zanning, “What is PLC?

PLC has never existed in the Constitution.

Furthermore, in the Party’s constitution, PLC doesn’t exist,

it is definitely an illegal branch.

So I believe the PLC must be removed. If not, there is no reason

to claim that China is a country ruled by law.”

However, this entry in Mao Yushi’s microblog was deleted

by the CCP regime before he received the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty.
