【禁聞】江系衰 學者諫胡效君士坦丁 握良機













章天亮:「當時羅馬迫害基督徒迫害了300年的時間。基督教後來為甚麼能蓬勃興起,跟當時君士坦丁大帝結束羅馬帝國對基督徒的迫害有很大關係。所以大家覺得他是西方社會的千古一帝。如果胡錦濤能夠在歷史緊要關頭、轉折關頭,順應這樣一個時代的話,他就會有這樣一個青史留名的機會。所以對胡錦濤 就是一個選擇,你到底是做江澤民呢?你還是做君士坦丁?」

採訪/常春 編輯/王子琦 後製/孫寧

Can Hu Jintao Be Constantine the Great at Jiang’s Fall?

At the center of political infighting and crisis,

Beijing has maintained a forbidding atmosphere.

Chinese President Hu Jintao will visit South Korea on 25th,

part of an eight-day visit to three Asian countries.

The visits at this sensitive time attracted great public attention.

At the same time, news came that former CCP Secretary Jiang

Zemin is in a vegetative state, relying on drugs to stay alive.

Some scholars hope that Hu Jintao can, as Constantine the Great,

grasp this golden opportunity to clear up the crimes CCP have committed.

Some Beijing insider disclosed to The Epoch Times that Jiang

Zemin was reported dead last year.

Jiang later appeared on CCTV to denounce the suspicions.

Now, however, he has already become a vegetative, depending

on drugs to keep him alive.

The message also said that Jiang Zemin has lost sway over

the political situation.

Zhou Yongkang, General Secretary of the Political and

Law Commission, now takes the head.

George Mason University Professor, Zhang Tianliang pointed

out that the so-called Jiang Faction appeared after CCP’s 16th Congress, without fixed members.

For example, Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou—both

Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and

He Guoqiang—Secretary Of Central Commission

for Discipline Inspection, have turned against Jiang at his moment of falling.

Zhang Tian Liang: “some have stayed fast with Jiang, such

as Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, and Luo Gan.

They share Jiang Zemin’s fear for having directed the

persecution of Falun Gong.

Bound by this fear, they prosper or demise together as one.”

Zhang pointed out that only after CCP’s 16th Congress did

Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee join the Standing Committee of Political Bureau.

At the top of the power pyramid, the secretary could then

control vast resources of the country to exercise CCP’s rule.

At CCP’s 17th Congress in 2008, Jiang Zemin placed Zhou

Yongkang into the Standing Committee of Political Bureau, succeeding Luo Gan.

At the coming 18th Congress, they planned to recruit Bo Xilai.

Li Tianxiao, doctor of political science from Columbia University,

said: “if Hu takes further measures to remove Zhou Yongkang,

investigate Jiang Zemin, and reflect over the crimes

committed by CCP, in particular its persecution of Falun Gong,

June Fourth Incident and other historical events,

then he would for sure win the support of the people.”

Some worry that without CCP China would suffer from chaos.

In this regard, Zhang said China will suffer more than

the infliction CCP placed upon the Chinese people.

Zhang Tianliang said: “No era in Chinese history could

ever be darker than the CCP’s period.

CCP caused 80-100 million unnatural deaths in China during its

60-year rule, exceeding the total of 5000-years in China’s history.

No other government would allow Chinese people to live with

the toxic air and food like today.

The Communist rule has incurred numerous social problems,

causing more deaths than any war would.”

Zhang said he hoped Chinese people could remain confident

that China will not fall into chaos.

Instead, CCP is the only evil cult that has institutionally robbed

and persecuted Chinese people.

Zhang also hoped Hu Jintao could grasp the opportunities to

make the right choice for himself and for the future of China.

Zhang: “The Roman Empire persecuted the Christians for 300 years,

up until Constantine the Great, who ended the persecution.

People consider him as the No.1 emperor in Western history.

If Hu Jintao follows the way of history at such a critical moment,

he will have an opportunity to establish his own reputation.

Hu now faces a choice, to be either Jiang Zemin, or Constantine the Great.”
