【禁聞】薄熙來落馬 太子黨倒挺 分裂不一
















採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/周平


CCP Princelings’ Different Attitude on Bo』s Fall

With the outbreak of the Wang Lijun incident, the politburo

standing members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) allegedly disagreed in the handling of Bo Xilai.

Zhou Yongkang, a core figure of Jiang』s clique, wanted to

cut Bo some slack.

On the other hand, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao claimed

to handle the case according to the law.

After Bo was removed from his post, CCP princelings forces

reportedly expressed to topple or support Bo Xilai.

Outsider comments say Bo has become the seasoning for

the CCP’s infighting. An unprecedented war of reshuffling is being staged.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily recently published an article saying

that Bo Xilai’s removal was supported by some CCP princelings.

The same day when Bo was sacked, Chen Xiaolu, the son of

the late CCP Marshal Chen Yi, met with Hu Deping,

the eldest son of former CCP leader Hu Yaobang and

other CCP princelings.

They expressed their support of the decision of the

CCP Central Committee.

After the Wang Lijun’s incident took place, Ye Xuanning,

the late Ye Jianying’s son, wrote a letter to the CCP Central Committee.

In his letter to Bo Xilai, Ye said it was a seriously

disgraceful event. Ye called on Bo to resign.

In contrast, Liu Yuan, the son of the late CCP President

Liu Shaoqi and Chen Yuan, the late CCP veteran Chen Yun’s son

firmly supported Bo Xilai.

They expressed strong discontent with Bo’s fall, axed by

Hu-Wen by a way of palace coup.

Tsai Yung-Mei, executive editor of Hong Kong’s

Open magazine comments on the issue.

The CCP’s princelings who inherited their fathers’ powers

may not necessarily form an alliance, says Tsai.

Tsai Yung-Mei: “Where is China’s future direction?

Their paths ahead may not be the same.

Due to some political clashes among their parents,

it seems unlikely to see their joining together.

Their parents were even mutually political opponents,

so it’s impossible that the offspring generation will ally.

What’s more, they may have different interest options,

it’s hard to say that the princelings are all the same.

But they have a common characteristic, that is,

they inherited the power."

Bjzmw.cn reported that before the early 1960s,

Bo Yibo was the henchman of Liu Shaoqi.

They attempted to topple Xi Zhongxun, father of Xi Jinping.

Xi Zhongxun was recognized by Mao Zedong for his repeated

offending of Liu Shaoqi. Xi Zhongxun thus incurred Liu Shaoqi’s hatred.

Before Xi Zhongxun stepped down, he and Bo Yibo were both

Vice Premiers and unhappy with each other.

Xi was finally downed with the crime of “anti-Party",

labeled by Mao.

Tsai Yung-Mei says that both Liu Yuan’s father Liu Shaoqi

and Bo Xilai’s mother were tortured to death by Mao Zedong.

Tsai comments that Liu Yuan and Bo Xilai

have a lot in common.

Tsai Yung-Mei: “Liu Yuan’s recent talks sound rather

left thinking.

He even seemed recognizing some aspects of Mao and

the Cultural Revolution. That’s very strange.

But you can tell such kind of ideology from him,

the same from Bo.

Why does Bo have such similar ideology as Liu Yuan’s?

Firstly, they just use the Cultural Revolution as a technique to

gain support from those left-leaning civilians."

Liu Yuan openly backed up Bo Xilai before Bo’s launching of

the Chongqing Model, according to Tsai Yung-Mei.

Reportedly, Bo’s anti-vice campaign in Chongqing

destroyed nearly all local private capitalists.

Bo snatched a few hundred billion RMB from them and

waged huge costly red-culture campaigns.

To some extent, Bo attempted to “kidnap" Hu Jintao to be

on the “Left" side for his own use.

In this case, Bo’s red-culture and anti-vice campaign

inevitably gave alarm to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

Li Changyu, former teacher at Shandong Univ. High School,

reviews that China is not a democratic country. Bo broke too many hidden rules of the CCP.

Li Changyu: “Bo’s battle was not only covert but open as well.

His fighting overstepped the mark.

While according to the CCP’s hidden rules that

you can’t compete.

If you contest it, you are deemed a careerist, a conspirator,

to separate the Party, and to usurp the Party and state power.

Bo broke the hidden rule right at this point, and

he also seeked to break through this unspoken rule."

Tsai Yung-Mei analyzes that Bo Xilai and Liu Yuan may

Turn ally in this power reshuffle.

The democracy-leaning CCP princelings like Hu Deping

may expectedly support Wen Jiabao.
