【禁聞】王立軍缺席兩會 薄熙來高調表忠
















Wang Lijun will not attend Lianghui

After Chongqing deputy-mayor Wang Lijun fled to the US

Consulate, the Chinese regime still has not given a clear explanation.

In early March, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will hold

the Lianghui (two meetings), People’s Political Consultative

Conference (CPPCC) and National People’s Congress (NPC),

but many are wondering if Wang Lijun, a People’s Congress Representative, will attend Lianghui.

Recently, Hong Kong media reported, Wang Lijun requested

a leave of absence and will not be attending.

On Feb. 27th, China Human Rights and Democracy

Information Center based in Hong Kong reported Wang

Lijun’s request of absence from the Chongqing city NPC


He will not be attending the NPC on March 5th.

Chongqing has not confirmed or denied this news.

Fearing Chongqing mayor Bo Xilai wants to kill him,

Wang Lijun entered the U.S Consulate on Feb. 6th,

and was then taken to CCP central in Beijing for interrogation.

This case is extremely sensitive.

Wang Lijun’s whereabouts is unknown since being taken to


As of now, Wang Lijun has not been removed from his post

as deputy-mayor of Chongqing and an NPC representative.

The chairman of China Peaceful Democracy United,

Tang Baiqiao, told NTD the regime is worried that

the Wang Lijun incident will cause infighting,

leading to the fall of the CCP.

Since CCP central leaders couldn’t reach an agreement,

they covered the situation up using excuses

such as Wang Lijun is on “medical leave” and

he has “requested a leave of absence.”

Tang Baiqiao, “It (CCP) feels that any explanation to the

outside will affect the political rule of the CCP, so they cover it up.

However, now they face a lot of issues, like Lianghui and

more, and they have to explain it to the general public.

Since Wang Lijun is also a NPC member, he needs to attend

Lianghui, so they want to drag it on for a while.”

China Democracy Party Committee member Li Pengyong

pointed out that this incident shows that Chinese politics is full of dark covers and is completely opaque.

Li Pengyong, “No explanation was given to the general public,

nor even to their own officials, NPC committee, or provincial leadership. Everyone is guessing.

No matter how you guess what the results are, one thing is

true, China is a dictatorship, there is no transparency.”

Hong Kong Mingpo reported, for this year’s Lianghui,

Chongqing representatives were arranged to meet at

Great Hall of the People Hotel,

which never housed Lianghui representatives before.

The regime also dispatched a squadron of military police to

guard the hotel, isolating this group from the outside.

Tang Baiqiao, “There are many high officials among Lianghui

representatives, including Bo Xilai.

If infighting starts, like if Wang Lijun’s subordinates and

colleagues run to the consulates in Beijing, then the incident will intensify.

The CCP central doesn’t trust any official from Chongqing,

including Bo Xilai.”

On Feb. 24th, during the Chongqing Standing Committee meeting,

Bo Xilai didn’t mention, “Singing the red and hitting the black”

but stressed Hu Jintao’s 314 overall arrangements of 2007.

External analysts believe this is Bo Xilai showing his loyalty to

Hu Jintao after the Wang Lijun incident in order to save his political career, but it might be too late.

Chinese Pro-democracy activist and political commentator

Zhang Jian expressed that to avoid punishment, Bo Xilai might struggle to the end.

Zhang Jian, “During the 18th NPC, even if Bo Xilai doesn’t

show up, the Bo Xilai issue will affect Chinese politics.

This is because Bo Xilai and his supporters are now roped


A U.S official revealed that Wang Lijun told US and

Beijing about Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang secretly attempting to stop Xi Jinping from succession.

Recently, an Epoch Times reader revealed the entire plan

was supported by former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

NTD Reporters Chang Zhun, Li Qian and Sun Ning
