【禁聞】薄熙來訪父舊屬 疑尋支持















Bo Xilai Seeks Support from his Father’s Subordinates

After Wang Lijun was controlled by the Central Commission for

Discipline Inspection, Bo Xilai’s every action has attracted public’s attention.

Chongqing’s Party media has reported that, Bo Xilai visited an

army unit in Yunnan with some military commanders.

The report said that, the army unit which Bo visited would

be the 14th Army Group.

It is the former “Shanxi New Army” which was founded by

Bo Yibo, Bo Xilai’s father.

Analysts say that , Bo Xilai has been promoted in the

political arena due to a deal between Bo Yibo and Jiang Zemin.

However, Bo Xilai not only has domestic enemies but has also

been indicted internationally for crimes against humanity.

Although Bo Xilai is seeking protection from his father’s

army group and also from Jiang’s group, his situation is rather like relying on Icebergs for protection.

Febrary 11, the front page of Chongqing Daily and

“Hualong Web” reported, on Feb 8 and 9,

that Bo Xilai’s delegation had visited a

military history showroom in Yunnan.

A former 13th Army Group person pointed out that, in Bo Yibo’s

former area of control, the 14th Army Group is in Kunming.

It therefore seems that Bo Xilai thought Chongqing was unsafe,

and that he sought protection from his father’s hardcore army connections.

Another source has said that Bo has pleaded at the highest level

via Deng Xiaoping’s son and his two high school classmates.

He hopes that Jiang’s close associate,

Zhou Yongkang, will help him.

It is said that Bo Xilai was promoted by Jiang Zemin.

New Epoch Weekly magazine reported that, after “June 4th”,

Bo Yibo held back a letter of complaint against

Jiang Zemin signed by seven provincial-level officers.

Bo Yibo made a deal with Jiang and kept Jiang Zemin from

stepping down. Jiang Zemin then helped Bo Yibo’s son to be Premier.

Wang Juntao, former deputy editor of Economics Weekly said,

“Bo Yibo played a decisive role. In order to repay Bo Yibo, Jiang Zemin made many efforts,

helping Bo Xilai to be the core of the next generation of

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Central Committee.

If Bo Yibo had not helped Jiang Zemin at the crucial moment,

Bo Xilai wouldn’t have got the opportunity he has today.”

The US political commentator Zhang Tianliang said that

Beijing took Wang Lijun away, indicating that Hu Jintao and

Wen Jiabao are determined to remove Bo Xilai.

Zhang Tianliang comments that, on Jan.15, two high-ranking

officials from the Central Military Committee stated that the military must follow Hu Jintao’s orders.

This indicates that Jiang Zemin’s military influence has

obviously diminished. Jiang Zemin wants to protect Bo Xilai but is powerless.

Wang Lijun is said to be seeking asylum and

had a 24 hour meeting with US Consular officials.

What has Wang disclosed about Bo Xilai’ and the CCP’s secret?

This is the leading question in public discussion.

Rumors say that Wang Lijun went to the US Consulate

to give evidence about the

CCP’s live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners’,

and that the US Consulate would reveal the truth.

Jiang Weiping, a former journalist of Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po

newspaper in a Dalian office, revealed that

over a long period of time, Bo Xilai has embezzled

a huge amount of money through his wife’s law firm.

This law firm’s turnover is 100 million yuan (US$16million).

Bo’s son has studied at an expensive overseas’ school from a

young age, his son’s life is usually trouble free and luxurious.

The Wall Street Journal has also questioned his son’s financial


Since 1999, when Jiang Zemin started the persecution of

Falun Gong, Bo Yibo and his son actively followed Jiang’s orders.

At that time, all the members of the CCP’s standing committee

were against the persecution of Falun Gong.

Bo Yibo, Bo Xilai’s father, gave Jiang Zemin many suggestions

for the persecution of Falun Gong.

Over the past 20 years, Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun

have been involved in persecution of Falun Gong practitioners,

including kidnap brainwashing, brutal torture

and illegal detention.

Wang Zhiyuan, director of the World Organization to

Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) , said

“Bo Yibo and Bo Xilai can not shirk their responsibility

in committing the crime of the persecution of Falun Gong.

When Bo Xilai served as governor of Liaoning province,

he allegedly played a crucial role in the persecution.

Liaoning is one of the provinces in which the persecution

was most severe.

At that time, in Liaoning, 406 practitioners were persecuted

to death. It is where the persecution in China was most severe.

After Bo was promoted as Chongqing’s Party Secretary,

he intensified the persecution of Falun Gong in Chongqing.”

Recently, Bo Xilai has been indicted in 12 countries

on charges relating to the persecution of Falun Gong.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Xu Min and Wang Mingyu
