Dictators Control of People’s Minds
After a round of “deification movements” of its new leader
Kim Jong-un,
North Korea recently turned towards boosting the deceased
president, Kim Il-Sung’s “great achievements.”
Some Chinese students in North Korea revealed that it was
easy to observe the North Korea government’s control over its people’s mind.
For example, North Korea’s history textbook tells students,
that “human beings originated from the Korean Peninsula.”
Chinese scholar on culture and history commented,
that the situation is similar with the Chinese people.
They are still under the influence of Mao’s long-term
brainwashing, possibly in a more concealed way.
In early January, 2012, North Korea made a TV program
to celebrate its new leader, Kim Jong-un’s birthday.
The film tried to glorify his talents
as a military strategist.
On the other hand, some Chinese media recently reported
the “strange things” found by Chinese students in North Korea.
On the book of Korean History: It is written “the origins of
mankind is from the Korean Peninsula"
TV program claimed that the “tunnel warfare and
mine warfare tactics is created by Kim Il Sung.
Zhao Song majored Korean language
in North Korea last year.
He told Radio Sound of Hope that North Korean students
generally evade the topic of their opinion on foreign countries.
The famous Chinese Internet writer, Jing Chu commented that
Chinese people reacted the same in the Cultural Revolution.
Jing Chu:”Such reaction is caused by long-term brainwashing,
as well as the feelings under the red terror.
People dare not express their true thoughts,
or they might be killed.
The same thing happened during the Cultural Revolution.
At that time any careless word might lead to death.
A frequently reported example was the execution of a peasant,
who used newspaper with Mao’s picture as a toilet paper.
Numerous Chinese people had been executed in a similar way;
nevertheless the truth had been concealed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”
Zhao Song found that, on one hand North Korean students
attributed “all good things” in their lives to the “Great leader.”
On the other, they always ascribed the bad things like
shortage of daily supplies to the “American imperialism.”
“Down USA” or “Hold together to protect our country” is
slogans that could be seen all over Pyongyang, Zhao adds.
Jing Chu said, N. Korea made the US an imaginary enemy
in its propaganda, as to more easily control people’s minds.
CCP plays the same trick, taking advantage of or fabricating
external crises to shift attention from its internal problems.
Jing Chu:”For example, the CCP invaded Vietnam in 1979
only to get Chinese people’s attention,
even though hundreds of thousands soldiers were killed in the
war. Therefore you can see how evil such a political regime is.
Under Mao’s ruling, the mind control over Chinese people
was no lesser than what it is in today’s North Korea.
This dictatorship regime is just exceedingly evil.”
Furthermore, Jing Chu said that the CCP had never loosened
its control over the Chinese people’s mind.
Only under such a dictatorship regime can CCP’s rulers
stay in power and benefit from exploiting Chinese people.
Part 8 of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”
addresses this issue.
Titled 『On How the Chinese Communist Party Is an Evil Cult,’
it states, ”Under the Party’s rule, the people have no rights to reject the Party.
Instead, they are forced to accept the Party’s leadership
and fulfill the obligation to sustain the Party.
They are also subjected to regular cult type brainwashing
under the threat of coercion from the Party.
The CCP forces the whole nation to believe in
and sustain this evil cult.
This is rarely seen in the world today, and we have to
recognize the CCP’s unmatchable skill in such oppression.”
In his article “The Little Red Book and Formation of Mao
Worship,” Lin Hui wrote on the topic.
Lin stated: ”The Cultural Revolution reached its end after
Mao’s death, and the little red books were thrown away by the Chinese people.
However, the new CCP leadership headed by Deng Xiaoping,
dared not and could not make a full denial of Mao’s crime.
Mao’s evil legacy still haunts our minds, and Chinese people
still have to tolerate the CCP’s tyranny day after day.”
NTD reporters Wu Wei and Sun Ning