【禁聞】中共海外擴張 工人遭綁架



1月28號,「中水電集團公司」在蘇丹南科爾多凡州的公路項目,遭到反政府武裝組織「蘇丹人民解放運動 (北方局) 」的襲擊,29名中國工人被劫持。












新唐人記者常春、唐睿、肖顏 採訪報導。


Chinese Labor Abductions—The Cost of CCP’s Expansion Overseas

Since 29 Chinese workers were kidnapped in Sudan,

another 20-plus Chinese were abducted recently in Egypt.

Experts on social issues comment that

the Chinese regime’s overseas

expansion and monopoly goes directly against local people’s


In order to solve this issue, residents would rather

use kidnapping than petitioning to the Chinese regime.

But in the end, the Chinese overseas workers become the

sacrificed victims.

29 road construction workers of China’s Sino-hydro Corp were

kidnapped on January 28th, in South Kordofan, Sudan.

The abductor was reportedly anti-government rebel troops-

Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North.

On January 31st, another 25 Chinese people were abducted

in Egypt’s Sinai by Egyptian Bedouins.

Besides one interpreter, all victims were workers dispatched

by Tianjin Cement Design Institute. All 25 have been freed.

He Wenping, Director of Institute of West-Asian and African

Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says that the

Chinese regime’s Foreign Ministry and its local embassies

should have communicated earlier with local authorities.

In the event of emergencies, local Chinese Communist Party

embassies should take action to negotiate or rescue and protect its hostages.

According to He, communications are being cut off with the

29 kidnapped workers in Sudan, who still remain in hostage.

Expert on Chinese society studies, Song Shu-yuan, points out

that Chinese workers overseas are paid very low wages for

their hard work.

The sacrifice they endure is out of proportion to their wages.

According to Song, the Chinese regime is using

its workers, so actually being abducted is yet another harm.

Song Shu-yuan: “These overseas Chinese workers including

technicians, are all completely monitored by the CCP regime.

They have no channel in which to express their wages’ appeal,

thoughts and political activities, etc…

When any problem breaks out, the Chinese regime always

deals with it from a political point of view.

It touts how the CCP is concerned for the Chinese overseas,

how it respects human values, and so on.

But all these remarks have no real meaning."

The Financial Times reported that these kidnappings are a

warning to the international community.

The Chinese regime’s rapid penetration into the world’s

emerging markets has exposed more Chinese citizens to danger.

An article from a western internet forum that comments on

public data, says that

much data related to the Chinese regime’s activities in Africa

reveal that the Chinese Communist Party is launching its “neocolonialism" of Africa.

Zhang Jian, former president of Jianke Electronics, is a

scholar in Chinese society studies. Zhang thinks that the

Chinese regime’s labor export not only harms local economies,

but also brings there the Chinese Communist Party culture.

Zhang Jian: “Let’s take a look back.

Suppose you’re living in an original ecosystem.

Suddenly the place is flooded with Chinese interest groups and

oligarchic groups who want to monopolize local resources.

Moreover, masses of Chinese labor forces are dispatched there.

All these acts directly trigger the ruin and disharmony of the local religion and culture.

Once it reaches a critical point, local people will be disgusted.

Thus, conflicts will take place inevitably."

Besides exploring domestic disputes in North African nations,

the international media has new interpretations on the kidnap

incidents. That is the cost being paid by the CCP’s expansion.

Zhang Jian: “All the expansion we’ve seen so far aims for

monopolizing the resources of developing countries.

They bring such monopoly into another country, causing

huge disaster to both local authorities and residents."

Zhang Jian says that the Chinese Communist Party wants

to turn the country into its own private property.

The regime aims to change the allocation of resources

by means of international financial operations.

And because the Chinese regime directly infringes on

local people’s interests,

the locals try to solve the problems themselves by kidnapping

Chinese workers instead of petitioning to the regime.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Tang Rui and Xiao Yan
