【禁聞】藏區情勢緊張 人權報告批駁引反彈


【新唐人2012年1月28日訊】2012年剛過去不到一個月,大陸四川藏區已陸續發生多起軍警暴力鎮壓藏民的事件,傳出至少有12藏民死亡。有網友爆料,中央政治局常委、政法委書記周永康26號在甘孜康定,親自指揮對藏胞的鎮壓。而人權組織「人權觀察」近日發佈的人權報告, 批評中共在藏區的人權壓制,也引起官媒激烈反彈。













秦永敏:「當局還經常對他們的藏族人民,包括那些喇嘛們搞政治學習,對他們進行洗腦,這樣的話,他們就會覺得,自己原有的文化傳統不僅被中斷了,而且被強姦了,在這種情況下,他會感到幸福?還是會感到痛苦呢? 」



Deterioration in Sichuan Tibetan Human Rights

Less than a month into 2012, and incidents of violent police

suppression of Tibetans have been reported in Sichuan.

The incidents have caused at least 12 death.

A netizen reports that, on Jan 26, Politburo Standing

Committee member Zhou Yongkang personally led the persecution of Tibetans in Garzê.

At the same time, CCP media People’s Daily wrote articles

to refute reports by Human Rights Watch.

According to reports, the Garzê region in Sichuan has

already been blockaded by the regime.

Internet and phone lines have all been cut off.

At the same time, the regime sent large number of police

to restrict citizens from traveling.

Lot’s of netizens reported seeing large number of police

cars, military cars, armored vehicles and anti-riot vehicles.

Armed police and special police from Chengdu, Deyang

and Mianyang were also sent.

An AFP reporter’s car was intercepted on a highway 300 km

from Luhuo.

In Chengdu Tibetan region 600km from Luhuo, police also

increased security levels, with everywhere full of police posts.

An AFP reporter in the Tibetan region was surrounded by

over police.

They were told photography and interviews are prohibited.

In addition, a Lhasa netizen wrote that Lhasa is almost near

martial law; military is assembled in front of Potala Palace.

Tibetans were warned, those without Chinese flag on their

roof will be fined 600 yuan.

At the same time, Human Rights Watch (HRW) in New York

published it’s World Report 2012 on Jan 22.

It is a review of human rights around the world.

The report analyzed human rights conditions in over 90

countries, including mainland China.

However, the Chinese regime’s media People’s Daily

refuted the Human Rights’ Watch report on Jan 26.

The People’s Daily accused Human Rights Watch of being

an organization that, “conducts selectively work.

It uses double standards, lacks political neutrality, lacks

personnel oversight, and uses erroneous methods.”

It furthers that, “(Human Rights Watch) should get a clear

watch over itself.”

The founder of Chinese Human Rights Watch, Qin Yongmin

from Wuhan, spoke to NTD.

The Human Rights Watch annual report, and those accusing

Human Rights Watch are separate issues. These issues shouldn’t be mixed.

Qin Yongmin, “Regarding whether Human Rights Watch

and other NGOs have internal issues, this is separate.

It’s different from these organizations pointing out issues.

Regarding internal issues of the human rights organization,

we…society should supervise and criticize.

The People’s Daily is a government entity criticizing an

American human rights organization.

But does it criticize it’s own government like an American

human rights organizations?”

Yang Minghong, Sichuan University Professor at Western

Development Research Institute also refuted the HRW report.

Human Rights’s Watch criticized that the Chinese regime

forcing Tibetans to relocate is violating human rights.

Yang claims that relocating over 80% of Tibetans into stable

living conditions, is “improving living conditions of herders.”

He wrote, “how can the Human Rights Watch accuse the

welcomed 『stable living project’ as violating human rights?”

Li Jianglin, a Chinese-American scholar and author of

“1959 Lhasa” has studied the Tibet issue since 2004.

She expressed, Tibetan herders lost their way of living after

being relocated to a fixed house.

How many Tibetans would choose that?

Li Jianglin, “Tibetans told me, leaving the grassland, their

sacred mountain, their holy lake, they lost their spirit.

This is a very sad thing.

Regarding their livelihood, I think forcing them to relocate

to the place they don’t want to be, that’s not a solution.“

Qin Yongmin expressed, the Chinese regime ruined Tibet’s

traditional culture.

Qin Yongmin, “The regime frequently force the Tibetan

people, those monks to study politics, to brainwash them.

This makes them feel that their traditional culture is not only

cut off, but has been raped.

In such conditions, would they feel happy? or extremely


Qin Yongmin believes, human rights organizations are the

conscience of society.

Without them, many national and social problems can not

be discovered.

Human rights organizations are like X-Ray machines

for social conflicts.

NTD Reporters Chang Chun, Zhou Ping and Sun Ning
