【禁聞】胡溫拜年傳演戲 訪民拜年關黑監獄













Hu and Wen Staged New Year Greetings, Petitioners Jailed

On Chinese New Year’s Day, mainland Chinese leader

Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao went to greet common citizens.

Hu went to put up decorations in a farmer’s house;

Wen ate dumplings with citizens in poverty.

However, media reporter revealed, these videos were are

staged acts, and the common citizens were all actors.

At the same time, some petitioners tried to greet

Wen Jiabao, but were intercepted and jailed by police.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Jan 24, about the

30 Minute News program on CCTV.

The programme showed videos of Hu Jintao and

Wen Jiabao visiting common citizens.

Followed by media reporters, Hu Jintao went to a village

to help put up window decorations.

Wen Jiabao went to Qingyang, Gansu province to greet

and eat dumplings with the common citizens.

The article mentioned, many netizens discussing the CCTV

video immediately after it was aired.

Xinan Evening News reporter Zhang Yuzheng wrote on his

micro-blog, TV shows Hu visiting villagers.

He set off firecrackers with children, but other people and

bodyguards were waiting at the back.

Someone immediately asked, who were the children?

Deputy Director of photography Renwu Fang of Hefei

Evening News replied.

The child is the grandson of the village Communist Party


Independent author Zhu Jianguo told NTD, this is a common

trick of the Chinese regime, everything was staged.

Zhu Jianguo, “Whether the common citizens were real or

fake, that’s not important to them.

It (Chinese regime) mainly wants to express a message,

that the state leaders are greeting common citizens.

It’s not real, more of a act, a tradition, so don’t treat it like

it’s real.

Just because it (Chinese regime) expressed greeting, it

doesn’t mean it can care for the people.”

Mainland media also reported on Hu Jintao visiting a village

in Huirong district of Beijing.

Hu watched Beijing Opera with villagers,

visited a 80+ old veteran, and chatted with them.

He also went to Gansu Changqing oil field to visit workers.

As Hu and Wen were greeting common citizens, dozens

of petitioners planned to visit Beijing to greet Wen Jiabao.

However, they were intercepted and jailed by police.

After being detained for several hours, they were sent back

to Shanghai to receive punishment.

Petitioner Yan Sen from Hubei told Sound of Hope Radio,

several petitioners from Hubei went to greet Wen Jiabao.

But they were dragged away by police to JiuJingZhuang jail.

Jilin petitioner Guo Hongwei who was beaten said,

JiujingZhuang is heavily guarded and you can』t get out alone.

Zhu Jianguo, “While Wen Jiabao did openly meet petitioners,

it was only symbolic.

If they really took things seriously, then these petitioners

won』t have a needed to visit them.

The issues would have been resolved locally. Lower level

officials knows that central leaders dislike petitioners.

That』s why they dare to intercept and punish these


Zhu Jianguo expressed that petitioners are the weakest

group in China, and are treated as the enemy.

They are heavily suppressed under the slogan of “harmony.”

This is completely opposite of the Communist Party’s self

claim of classless rule.

NTD Reporters Chang Chun and Wang Mingyu
