BBC著名時事分析節目《新聞之夜》,23號專訪中共駐英國大使劉曉明,主持人帕克斯曼(Jeremy Paxman)提出的第一個問題是:「您是共產主義者嗎?」(Are you a communist?)
趙遠明:「一般的民主國家,它有執政黨,也就有在野黨,那麼在中國,沒有在野黨。因為它叫民主黨派,實際是一種花瓶,你這個執政,實際上是一種獨裁。它的用意,就是隱瞞這個執政黨的地位是怎麼來的,是不是有選舉?是不是執政黨有監督? 」
China’ Ambassador to Britain: CCP Is Not China
In a BBC interview, Liu Xiaoming, Chinese ambassador
to Britain, avoided the question of if he is a communist,
and argued that China is not a communist country.
Experts point out those Chinese officials know
that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is not China.
They no longer believe in communism.
But in order to safeguard their vested interests and CCP’s
dictatorship, they make up new lies to deceive the public.
January 23, on BBC’ popular current affairs show, Newsnight,
Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming was interviewed.
The host, Jeremy Paxman, raised the first question:
“Are you a communist?”
However, Liu did not directly answer the question. Instead,
he talked about his understanding of the national characters.
He argued that there are only 70 million CCP members.
But China’s population is 1.3 billion.
He claimed that for this reason, China cannot be called
a communist country.
One can say that China is a “socialist country,”
and a “socialist country with Chinese characteristics."
In 2009, Britain’s The Guardian published an article
“CCP is not equal to China."
The article points out:
Do not mix up Chinese leaders and Chinese people.
The difference between the two now
is even stronger than any time after 1989.
The stability of the CCP is always an illusion,
and the leaders do not represent the will of the public.
Today, Liu’s remarks admitted to British media that CCP
is just a party, and can’t represent China and Chinese people.
Zhao Yuanming, an expert on China issues,
believes that Liu substituted a concept that
blurs the differences between the systems of
China and the democratic countries.
Zhao Yuanming: “General democratic countries have
a ruling party and the opposition parties.
In China, there are no opposition parties. They are parties,
called democratic parties, but they are actually like a vase.
CCP actually is a kind of dictatorship.
It (CCP) intends to conceal how it holds its rule. Is it elected?
Is there any form of supervision of the ruling party?"
Zhao Yuanming said Liu not answering the question meant
that he is clear how democratic countries think of communists.
And he also knows in the heart about CCP’s position
in Chinese people’s mind, and CCP’s control ability.
Chen Yongmiao, Beijing constitutional scholar, believes that
Liu’s answer shows the opinion of a group of Chinese people.
Some who have experienced the Cultural Revolution,
have access to overseas information, but also are beneficiaries within the system.
Chen Yongmiao: “The mainstream perception about them
is that they may no longer believe in communism or Mao.
They now only believe in power and wealth.
This is their only religion.
When they have power and wealth, and feel so cool,
they believe the country is changed after the reform.
This is no longer a communist country, but a state under
the control of CCP. They found a new interpretation."
Chen Yongmiao said that people like Liu,
cannot understand the working-class peoples’ feelings.
Chen Yongmiao: “Because they are within the system,
they no longer feel the pressure.
Working-class people will definitely say,
this is CCP’s country instead of country under CCP’s rule.
But the communist party’s persecution
and economy’ exploitation are definitely there."
Chen Yongmiao added that people in the upper class,
like Liu, made up a new rhetoric.
It is the so-called “reform culture," and “China model,"
which are to continue deceiving people.
But for the underlying population, everything is still the same.
CCP’s dictatorship has not changed.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Shang Yan and Sun Ning