




網友說:「攝像這人頭傷得重不?有沒有傷情鑑定?有沒有拍CT呀? 」













Ai Weiwei Accused of “Assaulting Surveillance Camera"

On the night of Jan 15, renowned mainland Chinese artist

Ai Weiwei was summoned by the Chinese regime,

the reason was suspected

“assault of a surveillance camera."

Ai Weiwei wrote on Twitter on 16th Jan, “I was summoned by

Chaoyang District Nangao police station,

the reason given was suspected assault of

a surveillance camera."

After Ai Weiwei wrote this message, many netizens were

laughing and mocking the regime.

Oversea economist He Qinglian wrote on her Twitter, “This

news is very funny…

usually such charges are associated with a person,

a camera is not a person,

except for the Chinese regime,

which elevate government property to a person.

The ‘great’ party has gone beyond what words can describe."

Ai’s mother also thought it was funny. She said, “There are

all kinds of jokes, just treat it as a joke.

They (police) summoned him, saying that they (police) saw

some people throwing things at the surveillance camera."

Legal professionals believe, such reasons are not only

ridiculous, but also illegal.

Lawyers said, unless the individual voluntarily installed

a surveillance camera or installed a camera in a person’s backyard,

is it a violation of personal rights?!

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong, “No matter if it’s criminal law or a

public safety regulation, there is no justification for this.

If there is such as a charge as assault of a surveillance

camera, then the Chinese regime just created

another first in the world.

Words of a police officer in a police station just become

the law, kind of like the emperor’s decree in the past.

This shows how this police station enforces the law."

Situations like this don’t only happen to Ai Weiwei, Beijing

artist and independent film maker Yang Weidong was also

closely monitored after he requested an interview with

Chinese president Hu Jintao last October.

Yang Weidong, “13 surveillance cameras were installed near

my house, from my door all the way to the main street, less than 800 meters in distance.

Now my living space is decreasing, I don’t have privacy.

These issues happened after I sent an interview request

to President Hu Jintao on 30th Oct."

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong expressed, the Chinese regime uses

“maintain stability” as an excuse for all of its actions.

Jiang Tianyong, “This country does not protect citizens,

this country only fights citizens.

It’s real goal is not public order, but maintain stability.

That is to protect the rule of the regime, the stability of

its rule, but not the stability of the country."

Jiang Tianyong said, such abuse of power by the regime,

is using power to commit crimes.

In the democratic times of the future,

this crime will definitely be punished.

Reporter tried to call the police station that summoned Ai,

but the police refused to answer any questions.

NTD Reporters Li Yun, Shang Yan and Wang Mingyu.
