【禁聞】18大前 胡錦濤談換屆紀律有乾坤?

















Hu Jintao Speaks About Discipline during the Transition Process

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will have its highest

authority transition this fall during its 18th National Congress.

Currently, the transition of local government is in progress.

CCP general secretary Hu Jintao made a speech on Jan 9,

stating that they must stick to discipline strictly during the transition process.

This has caused widespread attention.

During the 3rd Plenary Session of CCP’s 17th Commission for

Inspecting Discipline,

the nine standing committee members of CCP’s central

political cabinet were all present.

During the meeting, CCP general secretary Hu Jintao

acknowledged that the CCP is facing many problems,

and the task of building a clean government and

fighting against corruption is difficult.

He requires the Commission for Inspecting Discipline: To

ensure that Central Government’s orders are “carried out smoothly”;

strictly following human resource disciplinary guidelines,

especially those related to transitions for the 18th congress.

Regarding this, China expert Caoan told NTD,

that the CCP has some undocumented rules internally,

and that Hu is very likely to use those rules

to expand his power.

Caoan said: “First is the restriction of age.

Let those he does not like and who have reached the age limit

retire, and have his team step up. This is one aspect.

The other aspect he might bring up is:

follow Jiang Zemin’s rule, and Hu will continue to be the

chairman of the military committee for half of the next term.

Caoan points out, Hu Jintao can thus restrain Xi Jinping

and leave himself a path to retreat.

Caoan: “The two power groups of Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin

are fighting.

In this circumstance,

Hu Jintao will for sure lay out a solution for himself.

He will protect those such as Ling Jihua and

will hope to bring them up into important positions.”

The Chinese site of Radio France Internationale points out,

Hu Jintao’s largest political opponent is former CCP leader

Jiang Zemin.

Hu Jintao hopes to keep a relatively large influence

after he withdraws from the 18th Congress.

In addition, Hu Jintao also acknowledged that the biggest

danger for the CCP is to become separate from the people.

He emphasized strengthening “Internal Inspection”, punishing

and controlling corruption that is getting more and more serious.

Regarding this, former researcher of Development Research

Center of the State Council Yao Jianfu told Radio Free Asia,

the fundamental cause of corruption is

the CCP’s unlimited power.

So it dares not publicize official’s assets.

Its “Internal Inspection” is just empty talk.

Political commentator Wu Fan also mentions that

if the CCP removes all corrupt officials, there will be no one left to work for it.

Therefore the corruption in China will get worse.

Wu Fan said: “Therefore, for the CCP to control society,

Hu Jintao still needs corrupt officials,

so he dares not beat them to death or seriously hurt them.

He can only handle each case individually,

such as those who are not loyal to him, or who threaten others.

Most of the corrupt officials passed the investigations.”

The CCP’s party secretary transition at the four levels –

“province, city, county and township levels” started

in 2011 and is being carried out at present.

Earlier, party secretary of Commission for Inspecting

Discipline He Guoqiang explained that

the four-level transition is a key event and

very important to the 18th Congress.

He Guoqiang aims to clean up issues of collecting votes,

buying, selling, asking and requesting official positions.

Canan analyses that buying, selling, asking and requesting

official positions are very popular inside the CCP,

but these are not what the CCP want to clean up.

What the CCP really wants to curb is “collecting votes,”

because “collecting votes” represents a kind of democracy,

which the CCP is opposed to, and it even curbs the trend

of democracy within its organization.

NTD reporters Chen Hai, Li Qian, Xiao Yan
