【禁聞】中國十年股市負增長 樓市漲十倍





《南方都市報》14號頭版的標題就是《十年如一夢 股市昨日回到十年前》。12月13號,上證指數收報於2248.59點,回到2001年6月14號的原點!





《北京日報 》消息,從1月到9月底,今年滬深兩市總市值已蒸發3.38萬億元,相當於11.15%的居民存款已經從股市「消失」。




現實中,A股的私募股權投資﹙Private Equity ,PE﹚腐敗、老鼠倉、股價操縱、內幕交易,黑幕重重。


更為嚴重的是,自2009年「首次公開發行股票initial public offerings(IPO) 」改革重新啟動之後,A股上市公司隊伍中新增了724名新成員,合計募集資金額接近萬億。今年以來共有252家公司首次公開發行股票上市,其中,55家公司前三季度淨利潤同比下滑,佔21.8%比重。



China’s Stock Market Back to 10 Years Ago

China’s stocks fell for six straight days on December 14th,

dropping to its lowest level in 33 months.

Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks also fell to the lowest level on

December 15th.

From January to September 30th, Shanghai and Shenzhen

stocks have evaporated 3.38 trillion RMB (US$0.53 trillion), nearly 90% investors lost money.

Comparing with the 10 times rising price of the estate,

China shares dropped sharply, and the investors lost money dramatically over the last 10 years.

On Dec. 15th, China A-share again fell to its all time low

record which last happened ten years ago,

and the benchmark index fell to the lowest level in 33 months.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 2.14% at 2180.90 points,

down 47.62 points;

Shenzhen Composite Index fell 2.44% at 8871.09 points,

down 221.94 points.

A-share stock dropped to a 3-year low, and ten year

shareholders not only has zero profit but negative growth.

“Southern Metropolis Daily” published an article titled

“A Ten-Year’s Dream, the Stock Market Returns to the Point Ten Years Ago Yesterday” on its front page on Dec. 14th.

Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2248.59 points,

which is the same point on June 14, 2001.

But in the same period, GDP increased from less than

From 10 trillion to nearly 40 trillion,

housing prices in Shanghai and Beijing increased

more than 10 times.

So, the stock market is totally different from

the real estate market.

Is a ten-year stock market nothing but money making scam?

“Yangzi Evening Newspaper” surveyed nearly 4,000 investors

recently, and found 87.26% of them lost money this year.

37.37% lost more than 10% and 49.89% lost less than 10%.

The evaporating speed in the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets

are shocking.

“Beijing Daily” reported that the Shanghai and Shenzhen

markets’ value has evaporated 3.38 trillion RMB this year,

which equals 11.15% of citizen’s savings in all of China.

In fact, China’s A stock is the worst stock index in the world

this year.

It’s reported that due to the debt crises, the French CAC,

British FTSE 100 and German DAX decreased 16.53%, 5.98% and 13.3% in this year.

In the U.S., the Dow Jones has even had about a 4% increase.

In Japan, with the impact of the tsunami and nuclear radiation,

the stock price decreased about 15%.

But China’s A-share decreased 19.92% in Shanghai’s market,

and 25% in Shenzhen’s market.

Some comments pointed out the reason why China’s stock

market is so absurd is due to Listed Companies treating the market as an ATM machine.

After the enterprises profited from the stock market, they

stopped to develop their business.

They hedged bad debts, and made money from the over-issue.

So, China’s stock market is not just a policy market, but is

a second central bank which issues stock like printing cash.

Zhang Houqi, the deputy general manager of “China Fund”

blasted A share via micro-blog.

During the execution, there’s corruption, rat trading, price

manipulation, insider trading in the Private Equity of A share.

China Securities Regulatory Commission unveiled that

Guangdong Hanson used the “Grab the Hat” technique to manipulate the market,

which cumulative amount is 57.176 billion RMB,

and their illegal income is 426 million RMB. It’s a new record in the A share market.

In another rat trading case, Li Xuli and Xu Chunmao

are managers of the “Star Fund.”

They used their positions to get 10 million and 2.09 million

RMB illegally.

More serious is the Initial Public Offerings (IPO) reform,

which launched in 2009.

During these 2 years, there were 724 new-comers in A-share

companies, and they raised nearly a trillion RMB.

252 companies raised IPO this year,

but 55 of them, or 21.8% of them, had a decreased net profit in the first 3 quarters.

Chinese investors commented that the CCP regime is the No.1

corrupt government.

It said all good words in last decade, but did all bad things.

NTD Reporters Song Feng and Li Ruolin
