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A Chongqing girl felt that the text book description of the

Cultural Revolution was not detailed,

so she went to search for the truth herself and

posted on the internet.

Those who were persecuted during the Culture Revolution

pointed out that,

regarding the Culture Revolution, the Chinese regime had

deliberately avoided responsibility.

High School student Waizi studies at

Chong Qing Bachu High School.

She found that both the textbook and her teacher tried

to avoid talking about the Cultural Revolution,

and those of her age have a very fuzzy understanding of it.

So, this summer, she visited a tomb of the Red Guards

in search of the truth.

Waizi talked to many people who experienced the

Cultural Revolution, and she was deeply touched.

She organized what she found out into an article and

posted it on the micro-blog.

According to sources, the cemetery of Red Guard in Pingba,

Chongqing was the last one left in the country,

with 100+ tombs and buried 400+ Red Guards

who died fighting during the Cultural Revolution, their average age was only 20.

On her way to the cemetery, the taxi driver told Waizi, his

neighbor had died fighting during the Cultural Revolution.

He was only 20 years old at the time.

His mother was so sad that she had died soon afterward.

An old man who was visiting the cemetery had said that

he was a Red Guard back then.

When the fighting first started, they didn’t have guns,

so they threw rocks and bricks.

Later it developed into handmade swords and spears,

the fighting was brutal.

Later the weapons upgraded again, to guns,

tanks, and even warships were used.

The old man said that, during the fighting for control of

a factory, many people had died.

He saw a 16-17 year old turned into a bloodied man.

A pretty girl had her intestines hanging out of her stomach.

The Epoch Times editorial has pointed out that,

at least 600 million Chinese suffered due to the violence during the Cultural Revolution, at least 7.73 million died.

Former professor at Shangdong University Sun Wenguang

who was jailed twice during the Cultural Revolution pointed out,

that the Cultural Revolution had brought great destruction

to society.

Sun Wenguang said : “The Cultural Revolution brought great

destruction to society; it lasted for around 10 years.

At the time, all physics professors at Shangdong University

were labeled monsters and locked up in a cowshed.

They were publicly demonstrated against on the street.

This had caused the destruction of the education system.”

During the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese regime forced all

citizens to engage in class struggle,

to criticize traditional culture, and completely destroyed

China’s5000 years of great culture and moral values.

The Culture Revolution lasted 10 years.

Today, 30 years after, the Chinese regime is still covering up

the tragedy and the truth behind the Cultural Revolution.

A reporter contacted a number of Chinese students

who were born after 1990 and found that they knew little about the Cultural Revolution.

High School Junior Wang Jiaxian said: Things seem

to have been very strict back then, but I’m not sure.

Student Li Guo said : For us born after 1990, these words

are kind of fuzzy, I’m not sure.

Like my grandmother, they experienced it,

but didn’t mention it to anyone, so it’snot sure exactly what happened.

Sun Wenguang pointed out that, to protect the CCP’sfake

image of “Great, honorable, and Honest,”

it doesn’t mention its past, but selectively ignores history,

to avoid responsibilities.

AThe host of NTD’s“Inside China” program Li Dan believes,

the CCP never truly reflected on the Cultural Revolution and

completely denied its existence, which causes such tragedies

to continue in China.

The Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989 and the

persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, these are all related to the Cultural Revolution.

NTD reporters Li Yun and Xiao Yan
