【禁聞】央視原主持涉詐騙 拋妻棄女養情婦










方宏進2006年因欠無錫健特集團800萬元,被江蘇法院判罰賠付欠款。2009年,方宏進又被河北警方以涉嫌詐騙拘留,被詐騙企業是著名的今麥郎集團,經過長達3年的「拉鋸戰」, 今年9月河北檢察院作出了不予起訴的決定。








CCTV Host Exposed

Renown host for CCTV’s Focus Report and Oriental Horizon,

Fang Hongjin has just settled his suspected fraud lawsuit.

He was exposed for abandoning his family

and keeping mistresses.

Fang was revealed for repeatedly inflicting domestic abuses,

and threatening his daughter.

The news is now a hot topic for netizens and the media.

Working for CCTV, Fang played an important role

in the framing of the meditation practice Falun Gong.

Fang Hongjin is married to Yu Hongwei for nearly 20 years.

They have a 17-year-old daughter.

When she was three years old, Fang began hosting

CCTV’s program Focus Report.

Yu Hongwei said that she later found Fang had

extramarital affairs, so she proposed a divorce.

Since 2007, Fang Hongjin has not shown up in the family,

nor paid his daughter’s tuition fees and maintenance costs. Their divorce case remains open.

On December 5, a renowned blogger posted a report

of interview with Fang Hongjin’s daughter, Fang Zhen.

She is a senior high school student in Shanghai, and now

Fang Zhen detailed her father’s various “unbearable affairs.”

In her microblog, Fang Zhen posted, “In 2005 and 2006,

Mum and I received several court summons,

and the debtors were at our door. We were scared to death."

“In June 2006, my mother caught him with a Fudan University

student (surname Mei) at Shanghai Ruitai Jing’an Hotel.

He wrote contrition and got my mum’s forgiveness."

Fang Zhen said that Fang Hongjin forged his wife’s signature

to write power of attorney, to obtain money to pay off debts.

“When my mum didn’t give him money, he hit her. I was right

there, witnessing him squising her neck in red eyes.

My mum struggled to tell me to call the police. When I rushed

to the phone, my father dashed out and stopped me."

On December 1, their divorce case began in Beijing.

Afterwards, Fang Hongjin told the media that he left his wife

and daughter a property of nearly 10 million RMB.

Fang also denied the information posted on the micro blog

was written by his daughter, saying that it was a “slander."

On December 5, Fang Zhen admitted

that the microblog posting was hers.

She said, in the last few years she and her mum led poor lives,

thus they asked her father for tuition fees and a child support.

According to Fang Zhen’s words, Fang Hongjin left home

“without leaving us a penny.”

“As a father, he never cared for me in the past four years.

He blacklisted my number; my calls could never reach him.”

Fang Zhen shared that she eventually managed to reach

her father through her new phone number.

However, when she mentioned to him about her micro blog,

he threatened her with hurtful words.

He said, “If you dare to admit it is yours, you’ll be paying back

for this for the rest of your life!,”

“I won’t recognize you," “I’ll beat you to death," among others.

In 2006, a Jiangsu court rendered a verdict to Fang Hongjin

to pay of debts and penalty to Wuxi Jiante Medicine Co., which he owed RMB 8 million.

In 2009, Fang was detained by the police of Hebei province

on suspicion of fraud.

The defrauded was Hebei Hualong Food Group,

a large enterprise business.

After three year’s tug war, in September, the procuratorate

of Hebei province announced that will not prosecute Fang.

Over the last few years, the scandals around CCTV hosts

keep piling up.

Like the cases of Wang Xiaoya and Liu Fangfei,

who were reported for allegations of sex trafficking.

Ma Bin was exposed for his indecent semi-nude photos.

Rumors were spread of CCTV host Chai Jing’s arrests

for taking bribes and fabrication.

Host A』qiu kept a female university student as a mistress;

and sports anchor Zhang Bin’s adultery was exposed on air by his wife.

Former director of Beijing office of World Economic Herald,

Zhang Weiguo, said those scandals are the tip of the iceberg.

Zhang Weiguo: “The CCTV is the shop-sign mouthpiece

of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), part of the corrupt CCP system.

The scandals of its anchors or staff are just duck soup.

If there are no such exposures,

the CCTV would look very strange indeed.

It’s normal for CCTV to have these scandals, that’s its normal

state, only with more inside stories that haven’t yet been exposed.”

Fang Hongjin joined the CCTV in 1992, later he participated

in the set-up of the program Focus Report.

In 2003, Fang left the CCTV,

joining the Shanghai-based Dragon TV.

During the period of Fang as the host of Focus Report,

the program reported the 2001 Tiananmen so called 『self-immolation incident,』 news fabricated by the CCP regime.

As well as the forged case of Fu Yibin’s murdering of families,

among other reports aimed at framing Falun Gong.

Sources said many of these reports were hosted and edited

by Fang Hongjin himself.

Now, Fang Hongjin has been embroiled in scandals of fraud,

abandoning his wife and daughter, and keeping mistresses.

While the other two CCTV staff, Chen Meng and Luo Jing,

producing Falun Gong framing news, both died of cancer.

Comments on Minghui.org say that they all are CCP victims,

paying heavy prices for deserting their consciences.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Sun Ning
