【禁聞】失蹤一年多 高智晟生死成謎















高智晟曾獲選「中國十大優秀律師」,多年來一直替弱勢群體維權打官司,他曾3次上書中共高層,呼籲停止迫害法輪功,之後多次遭中共迫害,手段包括跟蹤、 圍堵、毆打、非法拘禁、強迫失蹤…當局還試圖製造交通意外加害他。




Online Posting Warns of Blind Activist Gao Zhisheng』s Death.

A rumor is spreading online that the missing human rights

lawyer Gao Zhisheng has died under custody in Inner Mongolia.

But Gao’s family have not received official news of it, nor

do their know of his whereabouts since more than a year ago.

An online message of Nov. 15th claims the human rights activist

Gao Zhizheng has died under custody in Inner Mongolia.

But his family has not been notified of such news.

And renown Beijing activist Hu Jia doesn’t believe such news.

Hu Jia, Beijing Activist “I don』t believe this.

I don』t think Gao’ life is that fragile. What I believe,

is that he is enduring and persisting to see a change

in China’s political system, a chance to learn about the truth.”

Beijing human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong points out there

is no evidence to prove the news of Gao』s death are true.

Jiang Tianyong: “I saw this news from internet,

but nothing can prove this, how can I believe it』s true or not.”

Hu Jia, Beijing Activist: “All the information I’ve got is

from a year ago, from those close to Gao’s family and those who went to see him last year.”

Gao Zhisheng has gone missing for more than a year.

His father-in-law, Geng Yun Di,

says that during the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s visit

to China last August, he was told by the Urumqi police that Gao had been released.

And so did the local police station who asked him to arrange for Gao』s accommodation,

but then Geng heard no further news.

To this day, Gao Zhisheng』s family have not had any

response from the Chinese regime’s authorities.

Hu Jia, Beijing Activist: “Not responding is seen as normal

for the institutions of the Chinese Communist Party,

like the Public Security, the Court and the Procuracy.

They will never admit to any wrongdoing.

Gao Zhisheng’s sister and brother have both been prevented

from contacting him.

His brother Gao Zhiyi wanted to go to Beijing to post a

missing person notice, but was refused travel and is now under house surveillance in Shanxi province.

Last time Gao’s sister, Gao Yan-fang, had news was from

Gao’s father-in-law but was also prevented from traveling to Beijing.

Hu Jia, Beijing Activist: “Every time Gao Zhisheng made

an appearance, he clearly expressed he was under the control of local authorities.”

Hu Jia urged the international community, human rights

organizations and the international media to keep paying attention to Gao Zhisheng』s disappearance case.

Wether Gao Zhisheng is alive or indeed dead,

their need to keep putting pressure on Chinese authorities

as the Beijing State Security police will not escape

from their wrong doing.

Over the years Gao defended social vulnerable groups

and was awarded “China』s Top Ten Outstanding Lawyers".

Gao sent three open letters to Chinese regime officials

appealing to stop their persecution of Falun Gong.

But later he suffered persecution himself,

including beatings, tracking, kidnapping, harassment, unlawful detention.

Authorities even apparently attempted to plot traffic accidents

to kill him.

Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court charged Gao with

“inciting subversion of state political power" in February 2007.

Gao Zhisheng was then sentenced to three years in prison

and was suspended for five years.

Then on February 4th, 2009, the public security police

kidnapped Gao Zhisheng once again.

In April 2010, Gao was seen in Beijing, when he accepted

an interview with the Associated Press where he told of his mistreatment under police custody.

Soon after the AP interview, Gao Zhisheng once again lost

contact with the outside world.

His own family has not had any news of him for

more than a year.

NTD reporter Liang Xin, Li Yun and Sun Ning
