













Ai Weiwei: to Understand the Motherland is making a Crime

By the afternoon of 9th November, Ai Weiwei』s “borrowing"

campaign has received nearly RMB 6.6 million.

Meanwhile, the foreign ministry authorities of the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) claimed that it was a fact that Ai “evaded huge amounts of taxes”.

Ai Weiwei told the world via media that

“"When you’re trying to understand your motherland, you are walking on a path of crime."

Ai stresses that what he had done was

just restoring the truth.

In China, a campaign of “lending money" to Ai Weiwei

kept heating up recently.

Ai Weiwei』s assitant, Liu Yanping, announced in a microblog

that until1 pm on 9th November,

the total contributed money amounted to RMB 659,4951,

with 24,130 creditors.

On the same day, Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported

that China』s Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei alleged,

no matter what actions that some people have done,

the fact that Ai Weiwei “evaded a huge amount of taxes" could not be changed.

Back to the 8th November, Ai Weiwei told the BBC Chinese

that he would pay the fines levied by Beijing authorities to him.

Ai was told officially that if he made payment, that would

equal to admitting his tax evasion;

while if he would not pay,

that would mean Ai refused to pay tax.

Liu Xiaoyuan(Ai Weiwei』s attorney):

“This is an exact legal loophole.

If you do not pay the fines first, you are not eligible to

apply for criminal proceedings.

That is, you cannot employ the judicial process to judge

if such punishment is right or wrong.

So I think, after making payment of the fines,

we can apply for the judicial process to confirm if its action was right or wrong.

And I don』t believe that making payment

itself means tax evasion."

So far, Ai Weiwei has experienced CCP authorities』 means:

from unreasonable capture, overdue detention,

to allegations of tax evasion made by

CCP Foreign Ministry recently.

Taiwan’s China Times reported that on 8th November,

Ai Weiwei said to Taiwan Public Television Service Online

“"When you’re trying to understand the motherland,

you are walking on a path of crime."

Ai thought that he did not have great thinking or power,

but only had tried most common efforts to restore the truth.

Former Xinhua News Agency reporter, Gao Yu, commented

that Ai』s remarks revealed that in today』s China,

whether civilians or celebrities have not obtained freedom

keep themselves from fearing.

Gao Yu (Former Xinhua News Agency reporter):

“For a Chinese citizen living in China,

if he intends to find out about some issues happening

in China, he might receive legal punishment.

The law itself is not unfair, but those who master China』s

legal authority, are not independent,

but are controlled by a class of influential officials.

And the top level of this influential officials』 class and

the most powerful people, is just the CCP itself.

In this case, the law will become a weapon to punish those

innocent people who want to learn more about the nation. “

Ms. Gao Yu said that Ai Weiwei’s speech aroused an echo

in her heart, for she had a similar experience.

She also tried to understand her motherland,

but was considered “a criminal” by the CCP authorities.

Thereby, she lost all her social security.

Gao Yu (Former Xinhua News Agency reporter):

“I was arrested twice.

I had been imprisoned in jail for much longer than Ai Weiwei,

due to 4th June incident.

Now I have no social security at all, no salary since

the 4th June, 1989.

The first time that I was imprisoned for one year and

five months, I lost my job,

and have no personal identification,

so I cannot apply for social security.

I am aging, having a fear of life, of health,

I even do not have any medical insurance. “

Washington Post published an editorial on 8th November,

entitled “In China, Putting a Price on Democracy."

The editorial said, “Communist authorities would be wise,

however, to take a lesson from the popular reaction to Mr. Ai』s persecution.

Perhaps the time isn』t ripe yet for a pro-democracy

revolution the regime fears so much.

But if the party would like to tempt fate, putting Mr. Ai

back in jail would be an excellent way to do it."

NTD reporter Wang Yuqing, Li Jing and Guo Jing.
