【禁聞】借錢給艾嬸近530萬 官民反映兩重天















Ai Received 5.3-million in Donations to Pay Off Fines

Within 4 days after Ai Weiwei started accepting donations,

he has received about 5.3 million from the public.

Ai』s lawyers, however, are facing the danger of

losing their license.

CCP』s “fifty-cent” internet workers call for punishing Ai

under the name of illegal fund-raising.

The Chinese tax bureau recently announced

a 15-million fine for Ai.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of Chinese people donated

as much as 5.3 million yuan.

Yet, Ai』s lawyer, Liu Xiaoyuan faces losing

his office and license.

Liu tells reporters that authorities refuse to renew his license,

although he has fulfilled all the requirements.

Liu Xiaoyuan: “My landlord told me he has to terminate

my contract under pressure,

he has suffered pressure from authorities after I rented his office.

Since I represented Ai Weiwei, I now face a license problem.”

Wu Fatian, professor at Chinese University of

Political Science and advanced “fifty-cent” worker for CCP,

said on his twitter that Ai could be sentenced 10 years

in prison for illegal fund-raising.

Liu Xiaoyuan: “A law professor, Wu Danhong,

charged us for illegal fund-raising.

This is unsubstantiated since we are borrowing money

to pay the fine.

Since there is a fine, we are borrowing money to pay it off.

Otherwise it might be illegal, but for such purpose it is not.”

After his twitter article, Wu received fierce public criticism.

Musician Cui Jian even waged a physical fight against him.

Buddhist Master Miaojue also supported Ai』s fund-raising.

She said the CCP lures Chinese people with money and fame,

making people indifferent.

Now people can redeem their conscience by helping

Ai Weiwei and Chen Guangcheng.

Activist Feng Zhenghu also needs to pay fines to authorities.

Yet he still lent 990 yuan to Ai.

He says it is his honor if Ai accepts his help.

Master Miaojue:

“Chinese people feel that we face the same danger as Ai does.

We can be detained and fined by the authorities anytime.

Many donors can barely make ends meet, yet still they

offer to help Ai, including some students.

Yesterday, returning home, Ai found some bills of 600 yuan

in his courtyard, all folded into paper planes and thrown in.”

Master Miaojue warned people that there is no third choice

between justice and evil.

CCP is a grave devil. Each compromise will strengthen it.

So we need to show courage and stand by the justice

in a time of necessity.

Miaojue Master: “Even after he [Ai] stopped talking,

CCP kept punishing him.

Out of prison for 3 months, Ai is thought to be silent.

Yet still the CCP fines him 15 million.

Even though Ai stays silent about Falun Gong or June 4th,

he still cannot avoid punishment. ”

I have been speaking for Falun Gong,

and I am never afraid of doing so.”

Well-known American fashion magazine, W magazine,

published a new cover story featuring Ai Weiwei.

Famous model He Hui performed as Ai when he was put

in custody with head covered, in handcuffs, and even monitored in bath.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Li Ruilin
