【禁聞】中共辦班控網路 網絡公司擔保






外界普遍認爲,北京當局對蓬勃發展的社交媒體尤其感到頭痛,微博是中共加強監控的一個主要方向 。因爲微博已經成為傳遞民間意見和民間監督的平臺,討論的內容經常涉及一些中共定義的所謂敏感事件。比如溫州動車追尾,大連PX廠大規模示威等。另外,微博也為試圖參選地方人大的獨立候選人提供了一個接觸廣大民眾的平臺。










Internet Companies Forced to Follow CCP』s Censorship Rules

The representatives from 39 mainland Chinese Internet

companies attended a workshop held by the Chinese State Network Information Office.

The Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) director of Internet media

asked the companies to stop the spread of “harmful information.”

Experts believe that this is another attempt by the CCP to censor

the Internet.

This workshop was held in Beijing between Nov 3-5

and was organized by the CCP』s Central Propaganda Committee

and the CCP Internet Information Office.

Some of the companies attending the workshop included

China’s three largest Internet providers and 39 Internet firms,

including Xinhua, SINA, Sohu, Baidu, and Alibaba.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry,

the National Development and Reform Commission,

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

the State Council Legislative Office,

the Ministry of Public Security, and other units

sent officials to attend the workshop.

Former CEO of Yahoo China, Li Xiewen: “These people are

trying to delay the impact of Internet media, trying to regain

control, but all these are futile, tempoary, and regional,

and will not influence the overall development of the Internet.”

It’s been widely believed that the rapid development

of social media is giving thee CCP a headache.

The CCP’s next target is to increase censorship of micro-blogs

because micro-blogs have become the platform

where citizens express their views and discuss sensitive topics.

The discussion topics are often events viewed as sensitive by

the CCP,

like the Wenzhou train collision tragedy and

the large scale chemical plant protest in Dalian.

In addition, micro-blogs provide a campaign platform

for independent candidates in the National People’s Congress election.

In the past, the Chinese State Network Information Office

had called for stricter regulation of micro-blog services

and asked that the regime’s various agencies better utilize this

“battle ground” to guide public opinion.

Those who spread “rumors and lies” will be punished.

Huangqi, the founder of the human rights site, June 4th Skynet,

believes that civil and human rights activities are more and

more developed in mainland China,

almost approaching the level back in 1910.

This is making the CCP very worried;

they』re afraid of the impending crisis.

This is why it is making all these efforts to censor the internet.

Former Shenzhen Internet activist, Mr. Shen,

believes that the CCP is suppressing the public』s will, which is endangering its own existence.

Mr. Shen: “The general public will not hold back because

of a state (the CCP).

People will not give up their desire for freedom.

I think the Chinese government (CCP) is very strange.

It’s always trying to restrain people from talking.

I think this makes the situation worse, not better.

One day, the CCP will just blow up.

It doesn’t want people to have their own thoughts,

because if people have their own thoughts,

they will discuss things, discuss everything, thus it will endanger the regime.”

Xinhua』s reports claims that companies attending the workshop

have reached agreement how they are going to restrict the spread of “lies” on the Internet.

However, AFP pointed out that what the Beijing regime calls

“rumor and lies” are the voices of people criticizing the regime.

Chinese netizen Mr. Wang: “If people are not allowed

to express their views on some of these big websites,

people will not visit these websites,

thus affecting their business.

So I think they were forced to accept this agreement

and they will passively resist it.”

Huang Qi said that although mainland Internet companies

have formed a partnership with the CCP, it will not last long

because as the voice of the public grows stronger,

the Chinese Internet will eventually achieve freedom.

NTD reporters Zhang Lina, Li Mingfei and Guo Jing
