【禁聞】中共感受危機 開始敲警鐘















CCP Media Foretells of Regime』s Imminent Collapse

A recent article published in one of the Chinese Communist

Party』s (CCP) state-run medias, commented on the fact that

the root cause behind the many large group conflicts in China

is that the public does not trust local officials.

The article warned that, this growing distrust could threaten

the CCP』s ability to govern.

Some analysts say that the CCP has perceived its own undoing;

it is telling its members through the article that a collapse of the whole regime is imminent.

On October 3, the CCP』s mouthpiece, People』s Daily,

published an article describing

what it thinks are the causes behind the recent large-scale

group conflicts in China.

The article attributed most of the conflicts to the public』s lack

of trust in local government organizations and its employers.

The article warned that “The lack of trust people have in

officials will greatly undermine the authority and power of local governments,

which if increased, could threaten the very core of

the CCP』s governing.”

In recent years, group conflicts in China have been steadily

increasing. Sun Wenguang, a former Shandong University professor,

said that every year, nearly 100,000 group conflicts occur

in China, noting that this figure is on a rise.

Sun Wenguang: “This distrust factor mainly revolves

around the many CCP policies that either violate or even strip citizens of their civil rights.

What』s more, the CCP offers no remedy or solution to those

citizens who have been violated.

As such, a lot of people turn to other ways of expressing

themselves, such as protesting or demonstrations.”

A Reuters report weighed in on the matter, saying that

the People』s Daily』s article has reflected the CCP』s anxiety about its own future.

Political commentator, Wu Fan, said that this distrust factor

is the result of the CCP』s tyranny.

However, the CCP is trying to absolve itself from

what it has done.

Wu Fan: “The truth is that the CPP has destroyed

any semblance of normal or traditional social culture and morality.

Its governing style leads to ubiquitous corruption,

the selling off of large chunks of China』s territory to foreign countries,

the destruction of the environment, the persecution of

religious groups such as Falun Gong, Christians

and the suppression of ethnic minorities in XinJiang,

Inner Mongolia, and Tibet.

This is what the CCP has done,

and thus where the conflicts in China stem from.”

Chinese dissident, Qin Yongmin, commented that the conflicts

between the public and local officials results from the CCP』s regime』s gangland-like autocratic rule.

Qin Yongmin: “The CCP is always talking

about “its own characteristics.”

It is exactly these characteristics which serve to perpetuate

conflicts between local residents and local officials.

The real reason these conflicts take place in the first place

is due to the regime』s gangland-like rule

and its practice of grabbing and occupying the residents』

possessions through exploitation, blackmail or plundering.”

Sun Wenguang further pointed out that not only has

the public lost trust in the CCP, but all levels of officials,

from local to the central government, have also shown

a lack of confidence in the CCP and are leaving China in unprecedented numbers.

Sun Wenguang: “If you talked with any ordinary person

in China, you would find that most of them regard the government as unreliable.

This trend has even spread into the local

and central government.

A lot of officials also lack confidence in the CCP』s future.

Some of them choose to move their families abroad,

while others are doing whatever they can to hoard money for

themselves, in preparation for escaping abroad in the future.”

Sun Wenguang said that the CCP』s widespread disregard for

social justice, along with the public』s loss of trust in the regime, has alarmed some officials.

These officials know in their hearts that

the CCP』s very survival is at stake.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Yun and Guo Jing
