【禁聞】律師解 中國破案率越高 冤錯案越多














Lawyer: In China,The Higher Detection Rate, The More False Charges

Last month, the Beijing Police announced that according to

the statistics of the first three quarters of this year, the Beijing

Police murder detection rate reached 97.8%.

Previously, CCP Ministry of Public Security declared that

China’s annual average crime detection rate was around 40%,

which is often “better than the US and UK.”

However, can this high clear-up rate really make Chinese people safe?

Annual average public detection rate in China is around 40%.

The detection rate refers to the percentage of cases that are

identified and processed in a certain period of time

among all the criminal cases placed on file.

Nanjing lawyer Chang Tsan-ning said, “If China’s detection

rate is 40%, it’s relatively high.

The problem is, are those breaks in cases really clearing them up?

There’s another aspect.

That is, it (the CCP) also has the highest injustice case rate.

It’s very horrible and pathetic."

Some netizens launched a survey on the internet,

asking people’s opinions about CCP’s detection rate.

Netizen Niao Ren said that the murder detection rate is artificially high

and many have confessed to false charges under torture.

Detection rate is an important criterion for

assessing judicial staff.

Some people criticize that the abuse of the detection rate

is like China’s GDP.

The meaning “murder cases must be cleared up” to the

police is like the GDP figure to local officials.

The positions are piled up by the numbers.

Zhang Zanning said that he had come in contact with

a murder case in which the Chief of Police wanted to close it as a suicide case.

Nanjing lawyer Zhang Zanning said, “It was around

Chinese New Year.

He forced the forensic expert to identify the case as suicide,

not homicide.

Nevertheless, the forensic expert insisted on

identifying it as homicide.

The chief then said, ‘Do you want to have Chinese New Year

or not?’

This reaction points out the problem: he purposely made fake

and false charges for some cases.”

If it’s a homicide, it needs to be cleared up, the cost is

relatively higher, and the case usually has many details.

If it’s a suicide case, once a forensic expert confirms it,

the case is done.

This is a kind of trumped-up case related to interests."

In academia, this has actually happened.

It’s referred to as the “Dark Figure of Crime.”

However, for various reasons, they have not been included

in the recorded crime of the police.

The lawyer thinks that the number can not be used to reflect

social stability.

The value of the detection rate is to protect citizens’ rights

and that’s the ultimate goal.

The rising of the detection rate doesn’t reflect social order,

and punishing the manufacture of miscarriages of injustice

should be more important than the detection rate.

Nanjing lawyer Zhang Zanning said, “The detection rate is high.

If it’s because many fake and false cases are created,

it can not reflect the social order in this situation.”

Miscarriages of justice in China are not news.

Zhao Zuohai was set free after 11 years due to an unjust, false charge.

Another scandal was exposed in Weishi County in Henan in

which the Public Security Bureau arrested mental patients

to cancel out the number of murderers in order to improve

the detection rate.

The lawyer said that when “murder cases must be cleared up”

becomes an executive order implemented from top to the bottom,

all sorts of prisoner abuses, tortures, extended detention,

and even trumped-up cases come up one after another.

How can the high detection rate created by those illegal

manufactures bring the Chinese people real sense of security?

NTD reporters Chan Han. Huang Rong and Wang Mingyu
