【禁聞】汪薄隔空頻交鋒 黨報和稀泥蛋糕論













當地市民質問:假貨到處都是,為甚麼重慶其他商家超市沒有查出來?《廣州日報》10號一篇題為《汪洋:不能用運動式方式解決民生問題 》的報導,再度引發外界議論汪洋暗諷薄熙來。






Debates Inside the CCP, Bo Xilai』s Ambition Dashed

The media in Hong Kong reported that Bo Xilai,

Chongqing Communist Party (CCP) Secretary,

initiated a new round of building up, campaign.

In his recent “crackdown on unsafe food",

U.S. supermarket giant Wal-Mart became the target.

The upcoming 18th CCP congress triggered

heated debates between Bo Xilai and Wang Yang,

the Guangdong CCP Secretary.

Meanwhile the CCP mouthpiece newspaper tried to

calm things down by giving the runaround.

This incites public controversy.

Bo Xilai, the representative of CCP prince lings, put forward

that Chongqing authorities』 way of thinking in recent years is

“dividing the cake before making it bigger."

However, Bo was criticized inside and outside the CCP,

for his launching campaign of returning to Mao Zedong』s era.

Bo argues that “dividing the cake is not a practice of

eating from the same big pot."

Wang Yang , the representative of Hu Jintao’s Youth League

clique, at the ninth plenary session of Tenth Guangdong

Provincial CCP Committee, stressed the necessity of

paying attention to people’s livelihood.

Wang said that “to make the cake bigger should still

focus on the central task of economic construction."

That is to say, “the focus point is not to divide the cake,

but to make the cake bigger."

Wang』s argument goes against Bo』s “cake" theory.

Zhu Jianguo (Shenzhen-based scholar): “The reason behind

everything is still the 18th CCP congress.

To gain the upper hand, it needs some theories to push

around the masses and to win the votes from the

CCP top level. In reality, Chongqing and Guangdong

followed different paths.

Chongqing is returning to Marxist-Leninist fundamentalism,

Wang Yang is taking the other way,

closely following the leadership of Hu Jintao.

Debates between Wang Yang and Bo are considered

as a dispute between the Guangdong model and the

Chongqing model.

French newspaper Le Figaro quoted Wang Yang as saying

that “History does not allow us to fall asleep on the hotbed of

a planned economy."

Hong Kong-based Asia Week comments that the

Chongqing model is a return to CCP』s traditions.

On 11th October, People』s Daily published an article of

Wei Xinghua, a professor at Renmin University of China.

The article stressed that “making the cake bigger " and

“dividing the cake," should be run together,

giving the runaround for debates between Wang and Bo.

Zhu Jianguo: “It looks like he is reconciling, but it is actually

acting for the CCP. That is their common point.

Neither of the two cliques is concerned about the public, but

none other than the CCP and themselves. So the review

article of People’s Daily is used to calm down the two cliques

as well as the masses."

Xie Tian, a Professor of Aiken School of Business at

University of South Carolina, pointed out that

most benefits gained by economic development in China

have gone to CCP』s elite, causing soaring prices and

increased gap between the rich and the poor.

Under the CCP』s ruling, civilians have no chance at all

to get a fair share of the cake.

The unjust distribution of wealth and corruption

are the major contributing factors to the public』s fury.

Lin Baohua (Political commentator): " In my opinion,

it is no more than a game of words played inside the CCP』s

privileged stratum, seemingly bringing little hope

to the masses. This privileged stratum controls the power

of making the cake as well as dividing the cake.

So whatever they do with the cake, it is not done for the

public but for themselves, for the ruling group,

for the exploitation of the masses."

In order to be politically promoted in the 18th CCP congress

Bo Xilai vigorously launched a campaign of

“singing the red songs and suppressing the mafia,"

but suffered resistance from the Hu-Wen faction.

Bo started all over again, coming up with some new

initiatives including so-called “12 approaches to

achieve common prosperity." Recently, Bo launched

another campaign of “cracking down on unsafe food."

On 10th October, Chongqing authorities accused Wal-Mart,

an US-owned supermarket, of selling fake “green pork".

13 local Wal-Mart stores were ordered to close for 15 days,

with a heavy penalty of RMB 2.69 million.

Heads of seven stores were criminally detained.

Local citizens questioned: Everywhere is flooded with

fake goods, but why haven』t they been found

in other supermarkets in Chongqing? “

On 10th October, Guangzhou Daily published an article

entitled " Wang Yang: Issues of People』s Livelihood cannot

be Resolved in a Campaign-Style Approach."

The article once again triggered public discussions about

Wang』s insinuation towards Bo Xilai.

This June, Bo led a Red Song Group consisting of

1000 members to put on a show in Beijing.

All CCP top leaders in Zhongnanhai were absent.

Wang Yang sang a different tune, saying that

“to strengthen awareness of potential dangers is

more important than the praise of glory."

On October 5 and 6, Chongqing Daily, official media of

Chongqing CCP authorities published on its front page

the words of praises towards Bo Xilai, out of the mouths

of Deng Ken, the younger brother of Deng Xiaoping

and Hu Jinxing, a cousin of CCP leader Hu Jintao.

Sources quoted by Boxun.com said that the CCP never

has the traditional practice that the CCP leaders』 brothers

or cousins can interfere in its arrangement of personnel.

The relationship of Hu Jinxing and Deng Ken with

CCP』s decision-making level is almost zero.

Bo Xilai』s striving for the positions of Secretary of CCP

Central Political and Legal Committee and member of

the standing committee in charge of propaganda,

has been so far dashed.

Jiang Weiping, the former northeast office director of

Hong Kong-based Wen Wei Po newspaper, points out

that Bo Xilai, regarding himself as Mao Zedong, wants to

go back to the old path of Cultural Revolution.

On one hand, he manipulates the media to fabricate

the successes of economic development, on the other hand,

through the integral system of Public Security,

Procurement Court and Justice to suppress

political dissidents, Bo tries to hide his corruptions.

Yet all of this cannot save Bo Xilai, let alone saving the CCP.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Yuanhan and Zhu Di.
