










中國冤民大同盟葛麗芳: 「反觀,作為辛亥革命僅剩果實,在台灣的中華民國政府,其執政理念——天下為公、人民最大,2300萬台灣民國國民在憲政民主的保護傘下,過著幸福、和諧、富足的生活,人人有選舉國家領導人和監督政府職能部門的權力,人人免除了制度性恐懼,憲政與專政,三民主義和共產主義,孰勝孰劣?一目瞭然!」



CCP Keeps Low Profile at the Centennial of the 1911 Chinese Revolution

100 years ago in China, the Wuchang Uprising overthrew

the Qing Dynasty’s tyranny, and laid a basis for achievements

made by the 1911 Chinese Revolution. Sun Yat-sen,

revered as the Father of the Nation by all Chinese,

left these last words, “Revolution is not successful yet,

comrades need to continue to work hard."

Then, so far who has completed the democratic revolution that Chinese martyrs

fought for?

Taiwan is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding

of the Republic of China. However, when China’s authorities

celebrate the 1911 Chinese Revolution centennial, not only

is there no mention of the Republic of China, but they also keep the lowest

profile ever. The word “revolution” has even become a sensitive word.

Over a dozen groups including Overseas Chinese

Democracy Coalition (OCDC) held a seminar

in the US Capitol. Reviewing the last 100 years of China,

many experts on Chinese issues discussed the possible

choices and future prospects for the Chinese people.

OCDC President Wei Jingsheng said that this year,

the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is pretty nervous.

This is because most civilians do not believe in

reform any more, making revolution the only choice.

So that is why the CCP fears the word “revolution” so much.

Wei Jingsheng (OCDC President):“Over the years,

no matter if it’s in mainland China or Taiwan, ceremonies

to commemorate the anniversary of the 1911 Revolution

have became regular and routine, bustling and vigorous.

Recalling that period of history shows its great significance:

Mr. Sun Yat-sen led a group of revolutionaries to initiate

uprisings again and again, fearing no bloodshed and death.

They finally founded the first democratic republic in Asia.”

Wei believes that history once again approaches

a turning point. Today in China, the same soil that

bred the 1911 Revolution still exists. Once the masses’ revolutionary consciousnesses

are awakened, it could trigger a dramatic

change in China.

Zhang Tianliang, a visiting professor at George Mason Univ.,

commented at the seminar. The CCP authorities certainly

dare not commemorate 1911 Revolution in a striking way,

for the CCP’s corruption rather surpasses that of

the Manchu regime.

So if the CCP marks the Revolution, it is just

awakening the masses’ consciousness of revolution.

Zhang Tianliang (Visiting professor, George Mason Univ.) :

“In the Middle East and North Africa,

Jasmine Revolutions have occurred. Back in late the 80s and early 90s,

the Soviet Union disintegrated and Eastern Europe

experienced drastic changes. All these revolutions

have the same significant characteristic. That is,

a common casting aside of the Communist Party

and dictators by civilians. In other words, if such a spurn had not

formed a general consensus among the masses,

the dictator would not have been overthrown, and

it was impossible for civilians to take to the streets and

sacrifice so much for such an ideal. ”

Ge Lifang, member of League of Chinese Victims,

denounced CCP’s totalitarian and violent ruling

at the seminar. On behalf of groups of

homeless Chinese civilians who suffered forced demolitions,

Ge urged the U.S. Congress to concern themselves with

China’s poor human rights situation.

Ge Lifang, (Member of League of Chinese Victims) :

“In contrast, in the only remaining fruit of the 1911 Revolution,

the Republic of China in Taiwan, the governing

philosophy is “all under heaven are equal, the people are

regarded as the most important.”

23 million Taiwanese are leading happy, harmonious

and prosperous lives under constitutional democracy.

Everyone has the right to vote and to supervise

the performance of the government’s functional departments

without any fear. Constitutionalism vs. Dictatorship,

San-min Doctrine vs. Communism, Which is better?

It is clear at a glance!”

Experts attending the seminar indicated that social conflicts

in China caused by the gap between the rich and the poor

has incited the public’s discontent and resentment towards

the current political system. More and more civilians have

expressed their resistance with concrete actions.

What they are expecting is the arrival of the day when

democracy and freedom really come true in China.

NTD reporters Wang Kaidi, Zhou Ping and Huang Rong
