【禁聞】溫州經濟鏈斷裂 溫家寶赴救火

















Debtors Flee』 Crisis In Wenzhou

More and more Wenzhou entrepreneurs fled their homes

over debts, triggering a new wave of worry among investors.

On October 4th, Premier Wen Jiabao held a seminar

in Wenzhou, seeking to stabilize the financial situation.

Analysts state that the issue of private lending

and financial strand break has existed for a long time.

Is Wen』s rescue coming too late?

Recently, entrepreneurs flee “on foot" due to private loans

and financial strand break happening frequently in Wenzhou.

CCP』s (Chinese Communist Party) Xinhua News agency

reported that Wenzhou』s private lending has been very active,

totaling RMB48.55 billion for the first half of the year,

with interest of 3% to 5%, some even hit 10%.

The high interest drove many middle-size or small business

owners to flee from their loans or commit suicide.

On September 27, Mr. Shen, owner of a shoe factory

jumped from a high building and killed himself in Wenzhou.

The news shocked the “city of shoes." A former employee,

Mr. Huang, said Shen had invested a lot in properties

all over China and used a lot of private loans.

NTD』s commentator Jason stated that Wenzhou

entrepreneurs built up their wealth through manufacturing,

such as making toys, shoes, etc. However, lured by high profit

in the real estate market, they shifted their investments there.

This year China』s real estate market slowed down and they

cannot get back their investment, nor pay back the interest.

Jason; “For the first half of the year, CCP started

to control housing buying, in first and second tier cities.

China』s real estate market entered a deadlock; prices were

not dropping, but sales were dropping dramatically.

Most of the properties are very hard to sell.

China now also has high inflation.

CCP asked banks to control their loans,

so bank loans are also becoming harder to get."

Jason said, with bank loans getting harder to obtain,

private loans charge high interests, between 20% and 100%.

They are very hard to pay back. In this situation the financial

strand breaks and entrepreneurs have no choice but to flee.

On October 4, Wen Jiabao hosted a seminar seeking to handle

the current crisis. He asked Wenzhou to stabilize the situation.

Jason:" I don』t think he can solve the problem

by just talking. CCP is now facing a dilemma.

If it makes bank loans easier, it will create inflation,

which will harm the whole country."

Kaidi community website wrote that another reason for the

financial strand break and borrowers』 flee wave in Wenzhou,

is the fact that 80% of the lenders are government employees.

Zhejiang Pro-democratic activist Zhou Wei stated that

the financial crisis actually shows the corruption of officials.

He thinks that without immediate political reform,

the crisis will soon bring a major political storm.

Zhou Wei: “China』s market is not fair, the system is very

vulnerable, especially when bound to government corruption.

It gives room for market government power,

or officials using their power over the market.

This may trigger a unique economic crisis in China."

The analysts ask, although Wen Jiabao may try

to extinguish the fire, who will be paying for it?

Jason: “Who will pay in the end? The common people.

If the banks cannot solve the problem,

if the toxic debts are too much, they will use inflation

to deal with it, they will use people』s money to fix it."

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu.
