【禁聞】緬甸暫停建密松大壩 中共首度回應


















Burma Stops Sino-Invested Myitsone Dam Project

Burmese President Wu Dengsheng recently announced

that construction of the Myitsone Hydroelectric Dam

Project, jointly developed by Burma and China, would be suspended.

China』s Foreign Ministry responded on Oct. 1, claiming that

the issue is being handled through ongoing negotiations.

Burmese President Wu Dengsheng said in a statement that

construction of the Myitsone hydropower project was

against the will of the Myanmar people and will be suspended

during his term of office.

Wu said, “The government of Burma is democratically

elected. We must care about the people』s wishes, and are

obligated to focus on solving people’s fears and concerns."

China』s Foreign Ministry』s initially responded by saying

that they』ll need to verify the news.

However, 24 hours later, it claimed that the Myitsone

hydropower station is a joint venture between the two countries,

and as such, everything will be handled through negotiation.

The US$3.6 billion Myitsone Dam is Burma』s largest and

most high-tech hydropower plant.

The power station is located in Burma』s northern mountains,

along the Irrawaddy River, about 200 kms (124.27 miles) away from Tengchong County, in Yunnan Province, China.

The dam is capable of generating of 600 million kilowatts

of electricity.

The Myitsone Dam, contracted in 2006, is the largest overseas

Build-Operate-Transfer project initiated by

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), equivalent to

the Three Gorges Power Station in China.

Funding and construction of the dam is being entirely undertaken

by the China Power Investment Group.

After completion, 90% of the electricity is

to be exported to mainland China.

Since construction of the dam began at the end of 2009,

Burma』s environmentalists, scholars, ethnic Kachin leaders,

and politicians fiercely protested against the project,

including Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma』s pro-democracy leader.

They claimed that the project would cause serious ecological

damage to the Irrawaddy River and has already forced

the migration of thousands of ethnic Kachin residents

living along the river.

The Irrawaddy River is regarded as Burma』s “Mother River,"

giving birth to the Burmese culture and history.

A Burmese commentator said,

“Every Burmese person has emotional ties to this river,

and that is why so many people oppose the dam project."

The BBC’s Southeast Asia journalist, Rachel Harvey,

Reveals that the China Power Investment Group invited

experts in China and Burma to assess

the project, but the report was never made public.

According to BBC』s reports, sources said that

the Chinese partner did not conduct any impact assessments

until after the dam project was started, which was criticized as

“putting the cart before the horse."

Thant Myint-U, author of new book, China Meets India:

Burma and the New Crossroads of Asia, comments that

if Sino-investment projects were opaque and without

consideration of the impact they would have on

the local environment,

they will certainly prove to be counterproductive.

Some observers believe that President Wu』s decision shows

an attitude change towards Burma』s new government.

They are increasingly willing to listen to the people』s voice,

trying to get international recognition.

However, according to Voice of America reports,

Burma Rivers Network, an environmental group, reminded everyone

that the Myitsone power plant project has yet to be halted.

Environmental groups called for the expedient withdrawal of

Chinese engineers and equipment from the construction area.

They also appealed to the ethnic Kachin people to return

to their hometown, calling on their help to stop the project.

Dr. Weiluo Wang, a hydraulic engineer now living in Germany,

told the Voice of Germany that the momentum of

China’s hydropower development is out of control

because it is based on the policy of “development is more important than anything else."

He feels that Burma』s halting of the Myitsone Dam project

will exert some pressure on China.

Dr. Weiluo Wang, “The term, 『environmental protection』 has

a totally different meaning in China than in foreign countries.

When environmental groups argued about the ecological

damage that the Three Gorges Dam might bring to the area,

CCP authorities stressed that the dam project would improve

the quality of human life and meet the people’s needs.

The Beijing regime always regards human beings as

the nature』s master."

NTD reporters Li Mingfei and Wang Mingyu.
