【禁聞】中共出售軍火給卡扎菲 外交部否認


【新唐人2011年9月7日訊】加拿大多倫多《環球郵報》(“The Globe and Mail”)獲得的一份文件顯示,大陸軍工企業在卡扎菲倒臺前,試圖向卡扎菲政府出售大量武器彈藥,針對此事,利比亞過渡政府嚴厲批評中共。中共外交部發言人否認中方出售任何軍火給卡扎菲。專家指出,中共出售軍火給獨裁政府早有先例。







針對這份秘密文件,利比亞反對派武裝的發言人布辛(Abdulrahman Busin)說,任何違反制裁決議的國家,今後都沒有甚麼希望同利比亞繼續做生意。他說,有確鑿的證據證明中國和卡扎菲之間有交易。





CCP Denies Arms Sales to Gadhafi

Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail obtained

a document showing that military enterprises in China

tried to sell a large quantity of arms and ammunition to

Gadhafi’s government before it fell.

For this matter, Libya’s National Transition Council (NTC)

severely criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry adamantly

denied that China sold arms to Gadhafi.

Experts pointed out that there are precedents that show that

the CCP has no problem selling arms to dictatorships.

On Sunday, The Globe and Mail quoted the obtained secret

document saying that Chinese state-owned military enterprises

were prepared to provide at least $200 million worth of arms

and ammunition to Gadhafi in July.

The New York Times also reported that Libya’s NTC officials

said that a Canadian reporter found a document issued by

Gadhafi’s regime, which showed in the final combat period

between Gadhafi and rebel forces,

Libya secretly sent some of its officials to Beijing on July 16,

and met with China North Industries Group Corporation,

China National Precision Machinery Import & Export Corp.,

and China Xinxing Corporation.

These Chinese companies offered to supply Gadhafi with rocket

launchers, anti-tank missiles, QW-18 anti-aircraft missiles,

and other weapons and ammunition valued at $200 million.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Jiang Yu, admitted

on Monday that Gadhafi sent reps that contacted

these Chinese companies, but the CCP hadn’t been informed.

She also said there’s no known signed contract

for any military sales.

But the document that The Globe and Mail obtained shows

that these Chinese companies said the arms and ammunition

were in an Algerian military depot,

which could be immediately dispatched to Libya.

Commentator Chen Po Kong pointed out that

in Chinese state-owned enterprises,

especially Chinese arms companies, the real boss is the CCP.

No Chinese company could make an arms trade with foreigners

without the CCP’s approval.

And of course, the CCP always supports dictatorships.

Chen said: “According to the CCP’s own words,

their foreign affairs is the continuation of internal politics.

The Chinese regime supports dictatorships that persecutes

their own people, abuses human rights, and controls its people

with an iron grip, just like the CCP does.

For example, it provided arms to Zimbabwe to support the

Mugabe dictatorship and

also provided arms to Sudan government to massacre

the South Sudanese people.

Libyan rebel military spokesman, Abdulrahman Busin said,

“Any country that violates the arms sanction, will

have no opportunity to do business with Libya in the future.”

He said there’s conclusive evidence of the arms trade

between China and Gadhafi.

Now, China is one of five U.N. Security Council members

and is the only member that failed to

officially recognize NTC’s legitimacy.

Chen said that there’s a contest of wills between

the CCP and Libya’s new government.

Chen said: “The CCP is playing with the Libyan rebels,

threatening their new government by trying

to push them into compromising on the oil contract that

the CCP signed with Gadhafi’s regime.

The CCP hopes to save its oil contracts.

I think both parties will continue to contest the issue.

Libya’s new government seems to want to stop the CCP from

benefiting from its huge oil contract,

but the CCP tries to suppress the new Libyan government

on the international arena.

The U.S. State Department, Defense Department and

intelligence agency said on Sunday, that

they do not know about any contracts between China and

Libya, thus they need more time to analyze the situation.

Officials from the U.N. Libyan Sanctions Committee also said

they have no information concerning the matter.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Wang Mingyu
