【禁聞】不怕打壓 異議人士投入大選舉

















“One Person One Vote, To Change China"

The People’s Congress general elections in counties

and townships will be held this year in China.

Since April, over a hundred independent candidates publicly

declared their candidacy, which is unprecedented in China.

However, messages revealed that independent candidates

have been suppressed, and are missing in different regions.

In support of independent candidates in China,

Xu Chunliu a candidate from Dongcheng District, Beijing,

appealed for “one person one vote, to change China."

The election of the National People’s Congress (NPC) deputy

is held once every five years.

In the past, the deputy was elected by the local election

committee, but this year over 100 independent candidates

have publicly declared their candidacy for the election. Now

the majority of the people quit the election under pressure,

including Xu Yan from Hangzhou City,

Liu Ping from Jiangxi Province,

and Liang Shuxin, a member

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

After nearly a month since elections』 expert, Yao Lifa

from Beijing, went missing on August 7,

authorities have returned him home on Sunday night,

but still limit his personal freedom.

Candidate Xu Chunliu from Dongcheng District, Beijing,

said in an interview for the French newspaper Liberation,

that in today』s Chinese society people have no chance

to participate in the public affairs, decided only by the CCP..

This is the reason why China’s social conflicts become more

acute. He thinks China urgently needs a democratic system.

According to the Liberation, Xu Chunliu’s candidacy must

be confirmed by the District Election Commission,

which is completely controlled by the authorities. Hence

it is nearly impossible for him to be elected as a deputy.

In 12 districts and counties of Beijing,

4349 new representatives will be elected on November 8.

Currently, it』s a phase of voter registration and publicity.

October will be the key period.

There are 12 dissidents, currently preparing for a shift

in the elections, with their status of ordinary citizens.

Wu Lihong, a candidate from Chaoyang District,

was evicted from her house.

She said the government』s illegal demolition gave her a big

wake up call. The purpose of her participation in the election

is to advocate telling the truth, doing practical things,

and doing something for the people.

As for the suppressing of candidates from the government,

she said she is well prepared for that.

Wu Lihong: “We are not afraid of the suppression,

because we are badly suppressed with the demolitions as it is,

including the restrictions of our freedom during

the two sessions, which we have already experienced.

Since this is what we want to do,

we are all psychologically prepared for what comes with it.”

Yang Lingyun, a candidate from Dongcheng District,

said that there is too much resistance

against people』s pursuit of legitimate rights and interests. He

only wants to take part in the election and see what happens.

Yang Lingyun: “Mainly, we support the Constitution, follow

justice, and anticipate election to implement the law;

in addition, we would like to negotiate with the government,

the National People』s Congress, and the Court

through ordinary citizens. It is difficult, but we speak

on behalf of the people at the grassroots level.”

The Xicheng District candidate Ye Jingchun expressed that

her experience with human rights campaigns over 12 years

gave her enough confidence in the court monitoring process,

and she said that there was no true election in the past.

Even if she will be suppressed,

she will still carry on with her rightful work.

Ye Jingchun: “We are legal citizens, we have the right to vote

and to be voted for, this is every citizen』s legal right,

granted by the Constitution. I must fight for these rights,

I have fought for 12 years and will continue the fight.”

There are 12 People』s Congress candidates in Beijing, like

Yang Lingyun, Zhou Xiuling and Liu Xiuzhen.

Recently they published an election declaration, saying that

these long term efforts are to protect their legal rights

and that they are trying to help grassroots people,

by protecting their rights too.

They also said they would implement actual actions

of participating in the elections as to fulfill the electoral law.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Li Ting and Xiao Yu
