【禁聞】北京兩報遭降級 中共再壓敢言媒體















CCP Suppresses Two Major Newspapers

Two outspoken newspapers “Beijing News" and

“Jinghua Times" originally affiliated with the Central

Propaganda Dept. of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

will be “downgraded” to Propaganda Department of Beijing.

An ex-official of Central Propaganda Department analyzed

that waves of anti-authoritarian activities in the world and

frequent domestic unrests contributed to the CCP』s fear.

This is another round of its control over the media.

Zhang Kaichen, ex-official of the Propaganda Department

of Shenyang City, said “Beijing News" and “Jinghua Times"

will be subject to the control of

Beijing Propaganda Department.

The CCP authorities』 action is out of fear that a revolution

similar to the “Arab Spring" will occur in China.

So, it tightens control over the media.

Zhang Kaichen: “The Arab Spring Revolutions that

broke out in Tunisia, Egypt, and especially in Libya, have

caused a particularly massive shock to the CCP authorities.

Now they are beset with numerous contradictions and

frequent domestic emergencies that are hard to ward off.

The CCP has committed a heinous crime during its

90-year history, it will not change.

So it will do nothing but aggravate overall suppression."

Founded in 2001, Beijing News is a comprehensive daily

newspaper, jointly owned by two newspaper groups of

Guangming Daily and Southern Metropolis Daily.

It is also the first media of cross-regional operation.

Jinghua Times is a city newspaper under People’s Daily.

The news about two newspapers』 downgrading was spread

online by microbloggers. The names of the two newspapers

were classified as “sensitive words” on microblogs and

cannot be searched.

Zhang: “Those newspapers like Guangming Daily or

People’s Daily are of great impact

and journalists can have wide report scope.

In this way, the newspapers are hard to control.

What』s more, when the journalists of Jinghua Times or

Beijing News do an interview saying that we are a

subsidiary of People’s Daily or Guangming Daily.

The CCP』s provincial committees, municipal committees

and local governments sometimes dare not resist.”

Beijing News is one of China』s newspapers adept at

playing hard ball with CCP』s policies. Due to bluntness,

the newspaper has suffered repeated suppression.

Cheng Yizhong, the first Editor-in-Chief,

was dismissed and arrested by the authorities in 2004,

because of the Southern Metropolis Daily Event.

In 2005, the CCP authorities were unhappy with

Beijing News』 reports and discharged the Editor-in-Chief

Yang Bin and two Deputy Editors-in-Chief.

The removal provoked 100 employees to strike and protest.

Jinghua Times』 metropolitan work style often

touched the CCP』s nerves, too.

Zhang believes that with the progress of the international

situation and exposure of the CCP』s ugly nature

at home and abroad, Chinese people have

begun to wake up and so have the media.

Zhang Kaichen: “China』s media outlets have been controlled

by the CCP autocratic authorities for over 60 years.

But now, a great majority of people and even

some media are awakening, expressing and resisting.

This is what the CCP is most afraid of, most worried about,

and also is what frustrates the CCP most.

Zhang Kaichen also commented that the CCP』s inhumane

handling of incidents especially Wenzhou Train Crash

stirred many journalists』 conscience.

They dared to go against the instructions from

the Central Propaganda Department to report the truth.

The actions have caused great strength of public opinion,

making the CCP very afraid.

The CCP』s changing of two newspapers』 jurisdiction is

to abate their influences, also warning other medias.

However, Zhang Kaichen said that all the actions that

the CCP have done are in vain.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Wang Mingyu.
