【禁聞】精神大起義 一億人三退海內外慶賀




















100 Million Quit CCP, Global Celebrations

The quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) movement

has swept throughout China, becoming a historic monument.

On Epoch Times website, more than 100 million people

have withdrawn from the party and all its affiliations.

People and organizations celebrate and support this event,

stating that this is a significant turning point in history,

and a symbol of spiritual awakening, bringing real hope

to peacefully disintegrate the Chinese Communist Party .

On August 7, in a celebration held in Flushing, New York

Yi Rong, Chair of the Global Service Center for Quitting CCP,

said a 100 million Chinese people in the land of the CCP

tyranny were reborn after they renounced the party.

The Global Service Center for Quitting CCP in Los Angeles,

Toronto, Calgary, Sydney, Australia, New Zealand,

and other groups, held celebrations in their local

Chinatowns, the Chinese consulates or the central parks.

Other areas of the world will also hold celebrations

to declare their support.

China Interim Government issued a statement: “Warmly

congratulating the 100 million people who quit the CCP.

Thank you to those volunteers and Falun Dafa practitioners,

as well as thousands of unknown Chinese people

continuing to work diligently on the disintegration of the CCP.

Wu Fan (China Interim government president):

“One hundred million quit the CCP.

This means the party is getting closer to sealing its coffin.

Just like Russia, the collapse of the Soviet Union

started with people renouncing the communist party,

finally becoming the dissolution of the Soviet Union. “

Australian-based jurist, Prof. Yuan Hongbing, celebrates in

Sydney on behalf of “China Federation Revolutionary Party",

expressing his sincere respect to all involved in promoting

the activity of quitting the party .

Democracy activist, Zhang Jian, in Paris said that

quitting the CCP will save the country and help the Chinese.

Wu Baozhang, RFI former Chinese director, and

former senior reporter with Xinhua News Agency:

“This is a great historical event for this century.

It marks a new age for the Chinese people.

People are bravely stepping out and refusing to be buried

with the last communist empire."

In Wuhan, China Democracy Party co-founder, Qin Yongmin,

said, “Quitting CCP" means the root of the CCP has gone;

more people will quit CCP publicly, just like the former editor

of Shaanxi TV, Ma Xiaoming, has done.

Qin Yongmin: “What the regime has done in China during

the 1960’s and 1970』s is well known.

Fear is slowly disappearing. We hope freedom of expression

for people in China is coming soon. "

Huang Qi, founder of the Tianwang Human Rights Center,

was summoned by Chengdu police on August 4

and warned that no activists were allowed to report

the news of the 100 million renouncements.

Huang Qi did not succumb. He stated that The Epoch Times

offered a platform for Chinese people to choose their faith.

Huang Qi: “Whether quitting the CCP or not,

people make their own choices in modern society.

No one has the right to stop people from choosing their faith.

Any action to suppress freedom of choice is illegal.”

Former associate professor at Peking University School

of Journalism and Communication, Jiao Guobiao,

quit the Communist Youth League years ago. He believes

the CCP renouncement figure on The Epoch Times is true.

Jiao Guobiao: “The quitting itself means one is reconsidering

oneself. Reconsider political choice, political tendency.

I thought that it may be regarded as citizen movement.

Citizens want to raise their political awareness

and be involved in political direction."

Chinese people break through the blockade using software

to visit The Epoch Times Quitting CCP Web site.

Currently 6,000 people quit CCP daily.

People from China say that if there is free Internet access,

the number of people quitting CCP would be far higher.

Hu Jun, disabled petitioner from Xinjiang:

“Quitting the party is a very difficult process.

No one realizes how many people are behind the scenes,

and no one think that it exists, but it is simmering.

You won』t feel these things now, but when you do,

the CCP would have been disintegrated,

and China would achieved democracy.”

The Global Service Center for Quitting CCP issued a statement,

pointing out that 100 million Chinese people quitting the CCP,

shows to the international community that

a new era will appear, free of any Communist Party.

Soon there will be more Chinese people quitting CCP openly.

History and the people are choosing to abandon the CCP.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Li Yue.
