【禁聞】近七成中國人抱怨物價 專家解讀




















68% Find Prices Too High

On July 4, People』s Bank of China (PBC) released

its Q2 survey report, indicating 68.2% of the people

think prices are higher than acceptable,

with 1.3% increase from the figure of Q1.

For example, pork price has increased sharply,

causing strong dissatisfaction among people.

PBC officials point out that the government deficit

is the root cause of the inflation.

Chinese and overseas economists are concerned

about the danger of Chinese economy collapse.

PBC』s report is based on a survey conducted

amongst its 20,000 customers in 50 Chinese cities.

Regarding housing prices, 74.3% of people think

the prices are too high to accept.

China』s National Bureau of Statistics released

on July 4 its “Average Price Changes

of Key Food Products in 50 Cities.”

In the 2nd half of June, pork price increased 15%

compared to that a month ago.

Price of pork ham is RMB30.58 per kilo.

Almost all of vegetable prices have increased too.

Cabbage increased 17% compared with mid-June.

China International Economic and Exchange Center

(CIEEC) researcher Wang Jun points out, however,

that the actual number is much higher.

Wang Jun (researcher, CIEEC): “I do not believe

in the data released by the government,

which is far from what I understand.

I live here and I feel what they published is wrong.

I don』t accept their say of price decrease in Q2.”

On July 5, a poll was set up on a sina.net blog,

asking about the impact of meat price hike.

53% of netizens said that they would eat less pork,

19% indicated they would become “vegetarians.”

Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP )

spent lots of money to celebrate its anniversary.

Netizens asked on the people.com forum:

“Does communism allocate a free house?

Can it help one to afford pork?

Will revolutionary songs stop the need to eat pork!

The pork price hike tears up people』s dreams.”

On July 4, mag.e-moneyweekly.com published

the economist Lang Xianping』s article, indicating

that as per Q1 statistics, pigs count was 230,000,

or 2.5% increase over the last year. Thus price hike

is not because of oversupply, nor cost increase.

Lang Xianping thinks the real reason for price hike

of pork is the inflation caused by money printing.

The real concern is local governments』 debt crises.

Experts expect June』s price index to surpass 6%.

Economic Information Daily of the Xinhuan.net

pointed out that PBC』s announcement on July 4

might lead to interest rate increase.

Recently, China』s Caijin magazine published

an article by Chen Changhua, the Chief

of China Study of Credit Suisse Securities.

Chen points out that up to March 2011,

China』s debt to GDP ratio was as high as 166%,

a threat to China』s economy and banking system.

National Bureau of Audit estimated that

local governments』 debt is RMB10.7 trillion.

However, credit rating agency Moody』s indicated

on July 5 that there is another RMB3.5 trillion debt,,

which might cause more serious bank losses

and damage the Chinese banks』 credit ratings.

On July 4, National Committee of CPPCC』s

Standing Committee member and Deputy Director

of Economy Commission, Wu Jinglian published

an article, indicating that the CCP government

is the challenge of China』s economic transformation.

The government is still running planned economy,

and has too much control over resources.

Officials』 performance indicator is still GDP increase.

The government』s intervention to micro-economy

is one of the biggest challenges in China.

Mao Yushi (president of Tianze Economic Institute):

“The market should be self-correcting.

But the market in China is relatively weak,

and it is controlled by the government.

So the government is moving forward

by controlling more and more resources.

Therefore, the private sector is shrinking,

while the state-owned firms are expanding.”

On July 4, magazin.caing.com published an article

by economist Xie Guozhong. Xie states,

inflation is the result of China』s development model.

If not controlled, it will lead to social turmoil.

Economic Observer published on July 4 an article

by MIT Business School Prof. Huang Yasheng.

Huang shows that China』s family expense accounts

for only 35% of GDP, but China』s expense

on luxury products is the highest in the world.

He thinks this is a sign of economic collapse.

He pointed out that transformation is merely

an empty slogan. Many officials are against reform.

China needs a political reform, otherwise,

its economic achievements will continue to be damaged

by the deformed political system and the privileged.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yan
