【禁聞】“高鐵” 高風險 高腐敗 高票價














北京交通大學運輸經濟理論與政策研究所副所長 李紅昌表示,高鐵如何填補虧損負債,除了自身要發展提高,另一個只能是依賴國家援助。







The Four “Highs” of China』s High-Speed Rail

On June 30, the Beijing-Shanghai high speed rail

began its operations.

Media generally believe that it was propaganda that

the high speed rail went into operation on the eve of

Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) 90th anniversary.

However, the public only focus on the high-speed rail』s

high safety risk and high ticket price issues,

corruption-ridden Railway Ministry and its debt crisis.

Let』s take a look at the report.

As per the media, the construction of the 1318-km

Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail began in April 2008.

As of 2007, its budget was RMB 221 billion,

exceeding the budget of the Three Gorges Dam project.

By the end of 2020, China』s high-speed rail will

have expanded to a total of 16,000 km.

Hu Yadong, deputy minister of Railway Ministry said,

the trains on this railway could reach 350 km/h.

Zhou Yimin, ex-chief engineer of Ministry of Railways

said, China』s high-speed rail system was imported

from Japan and Germany.

Their bullet trains』 maximum speed is 300 km/h,

but the Ministry used the test speed of 350 km/h

to claim the railway as its own innovation.

Huang Xingchun, professor of civil engineering at

Shanghai Jiaotong University explained, it sacrifices

safety to increase speed without structural changes.

Yin Jianhua, professor of civil engineering at

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, participated in

a monitoring project of the railway. He said that

he witnessed pier sinking during the construction.

Beijing University』s professor Zhao Jian pointed out,

for a 300 km/h railway, if sinking exceeds 15 mm,

it is impossible for the train to reach this speed.

Besides safety issues, corruption issues also surfaced.

Many people believe that corruption is closely related

to the quality and safety of the high-speed railway.

China』s high-speed rail was built under the direction

of ex-Minister Liu Zhijun who reportedly embezzled

RMB 800 million from the high-speed railway project.

Ex-chief engineer Zhou Shuguang is under investigation.

He reportedly possesses USD2.8 billion overseas.

Wall Street Journal once reported that some experts

questioned the quality of cement used in the roadbed.

An anonymous economist in China told overseas media,

severe corruption existed during the construction and

the quality of the project is not reliable.

For these reasons, the authorities have ordered to

run the bullet trains at a lower speed and temporarily

suspended the construction of some parts in the project.

World Bank has provided USD800 million loans

to China for constructing the high-speed railway.

By 2015, the investment will have reached RMB 350 bn.

Professor Zhao Jian warned that the Ministry of Railways

would run into a “debt crisis” in 2015.

Beijing Jiaotong University associate director

Li Hongchang said, besides its own development,

the high-speed railways can only rely on state support

to pay its debts.

Li Hongchang: It will reply on the financial support

of the government to reduce its debts,

such as official subsidies, bank loan extensions, etc.

This is something it will need to do in the future.

Professor Zhao Jian said, railways aiming at volume

transportation should target at middle/low classes,

rather than the small group of wealthy people.

It already requires a huge subsidy from the state.

He said, as per the 2007 data, the Ministry of Railways

owed a debt of RMB 1.2 trillion, but its own assets

were less than this amount. The financial risk is too high.

Many Chinese people are discontent about

the high ticket prices of the high-speed rail.

The lowest ticket price from Beijing to Shanghai is

almost RMB 600. On June 27, a passenger said

the high-speed rail is more suitable for businesspeople.

Li Hongchang: Railways should be suitable to

both enterprises and public services.

It requires a balance between the two.

High-speed rail development should not disregard

the needs of the majority of ordinary folks.

China』s high-speed rail problem accentuates

a defect in the policy for economic development.

Some comments said, the high prices will widen

the wealth gap and tighten the budget in China .

Economists believe, China will reply more on internal

investments to boost the GDP, which will delay

the economic transition of domestic consumption

and service sectors.

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Wang Mingyu
