【禁聞】黨員8千萬虛假 退黨大潮解體中共













《法國國際廣播電臺》指出,中共以黨凌駕國家行政之上,靠成千上萬個黨的基層組織,層層控制社會。這種「黨天下」 引發各種問題,諸如政府濫權、官商勾結、貪污腐敗、非法徵地強拆、貧富兩極分化、環境污染等。因此,現在的中國問題不是單純的社會矛盾激化,而是共產黨與人民的矛盾激化,黨成為社會進步的障礙,人民對黨越來越不信任。




80 Million CCP Members: A Fabricated Number

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Organization

Department recently declared, that by the end of 2011,

the number of CCP members will be 80.26 million,

But according to the Global Service Center for Quitting

the CCP, foreign media and experts say this number is

untrue and only a bravado for the CCP’s 90th anniversary.

The number also reveals that as an interest group of

magnates, the CCP is facing many difficulties.

The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,

published in November 2004, exposed the CCP’s evil

nature, causing a “party quitting wave” in China which

has continued for over 6 years. Over 97 million people

have quit the CCP so far, including its Youth League

and its Young Pioneers and the number is increasing by

50 to 60 thousand everyday.

Yi Rong, chair of the Global Service Center for

Quitting the CCP, said that the CCP’s claim of having

80 million CCP members is simply not true.

Yi Rong: “The number is claimed only by the CCP itself,

but many members might have already quit.

Of course, the CCP doesn’t know since people can

use pseudonyms to quit the Party or Youth League.

So I believe that many of them do not belong to

the CCP and many are there in body, but not in spirit.”

On June 24, Wang Qinfeng, VP of the CCP’s

Organization Department, publically declared that,

among the current 80 million CCP members, worker

members number fewer than 7 million. In 2010,

3.07 million people joined the CCP while 32,000 quit.

Most of those who quit were expelled.

Radio France Internationale (RFI) said that these

numbers show that a decreasing proportion of workers

and peasants join and support the CCP.

Considering the fact that 30,00 Party members were

expelled last year on corruption charges, makes the CCP

the world’s most corrupt political party.

Zhang Tianliang, a current affairs commentator,

commented on the number of Party members published

by the CCP before its 90th anniversary, saying,

“The words spoken by the VP of the Organization

Department were meant to embolden the CCP.

If people like him do believe in the CCP,

they should distribute the corrupt officials’ property

among the people. If they dare not do this,

then they actually don’t believe in Communism at all.”

The number of CCP members claimed by the

Organization Department aroused a strong reaction

among Chinese netizens. Netizens in the “Strengthen

Nation Forum” on people.com.cn said: “How many

among the 80 million Party members are scum?” and

“The purpose of expanding is to control the society,”

and “Why is there more chaos with more CCP members?”

and “Hell will definitely be overcrowded, now!”

Zhang Tianliang said: “The Communist Party is a cult

with a gang mentality. If the CCP is a Party that allows

members to join and quit at will, and if

the Chinese could freely read the Nine Commentaries,

I believe people will not stay in the Party,

including the most vicious members,

because they will all want to quit

the CCP to leave a way out for themselves.”

The CCP leader, Hu Jintao, admitted in the meeting

of the Central Political Bureau on May 30 that,

China is experiencing “a period of intense social

contradictions.” He said that he was worried that

this unrest is directly “related to the CCP leaders.”

Yi Rong said: “Actually, the CCP is sitting on a

volcano and is constantly afraid of losing its power.

Why? Because the nation-wide protests are meant to

disintegrate the CCP and its tyranny.”

RFI said, the CCP oversees China’s administration and

uses thousands of primary Party organizations to

control society. This “Party domination” mentality

causes all kinds of problems including the abuse of

power, collusion with businesses, corruption,

forced demolition, a rich-poor polarization,

and environmental pollution.

Therefore, China’s current problems are not only the

result of “social conflicts,”

but the conflicts between people and the Party.

The CCP has actually become the barrier of social

progress and people do not believe in the CCP any more.

Yi Rong said: “I am hopeful that more and more people

will realize that the CCP causes havoc for society, as well

as the whole nation. They will realize that only by

overthrowing the CCP can people really have freedom.

Only then, will China have a bright future.”

Ms. Yi Rong said that, the “party quitting wave” is

the only way to peacefully dismantle the CCP and

it reflects people’s gradual awareness.

She appealed to ordinary people and

CCP officials not to miss the opportunity to quit the CCP.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Bo Ni
