


6月11號早上7點半,重慶公安部門用警車把李莊和他的妻兒送到飛機場,11點 20李莊全家已經回到北京家中。李莊表示,暫時不與外界見面,稍事休息後會赴河北探望父母。



2009年底,李莊在為重慶的黑社會老大龔剛模辯護時,據龔剛模指控,李莊用眨眼睛的方式教唆他做偽證。重慶當局以偽造證據,妨害作證罪判李莊 1年半徒刑。









Li Zhuang Is Free, How about Chinese Lawyers?

On June 11, China’s famous lawyer, Li Zhuang, was

released from prison. In the past 18 months, the first

and second sessions of Li Zhuang’s case shocked the

Chinese court. But what are Chinese lawyers saying

about his release? What do they want to say to Li?

At 7:30 on June 11, Chongqing police escorted Li

and his family to the airport in a police car. At 11:20,

his family arrived at their home in Beijing. Li claimed

that, he’s not yet ready to meet with the outside world.

He’ll later visit his parents in Hebei Province.

Wei Rujiu, Li’s defense lawyer in the second court

session, said: “We are glad that Li could leave

Chongqing safely, but we are concerned that the

Chongqing authorities will frame him a third time.

Now he is released and I bless him and his family.”

Li, a renowned criminal defense lawyer in the

Beijing Kangda Law Firm, ranked second out of

100 top lawyers on China’s Laweach website.

At the end of 2009, when Li was defending Gong

Gangmo, a gang leader in Chongqing Gong accused

Li of trying to persuade him to commit perjury.

The Chongqing authorities sentenced Li to 18 months

in prison for falsification of evidence and witness obstruction.

This April, Chongqing authorities prosecuted Li for a

“crime leak,” again arousing reaction in the Chinese

courts. An advisory panel composed of ten famous

lawyers contested the Chongqing authorities charges.

The second session of Li』s case proved that state

prosecutors had insufficient evidence to try Li.

Yang Zaixin, an attorney from Guangdong Province,

said: “Li’s safe return further foiled the Chongqing

Gang’s trap and conspiracy. Li’s case is not just his

own business, but a typical case reflecting 200,000

Chinese lawyers’ future. It reflects the risks Chinese

lawyers face and self-preservation instinct they need

when dealing with criminal defense cases.”

Yang was often beaten and threatened by local

authorities and gangs when he tried to help defend

residents who suffered from forced demolition, as

well as peasants who lost their land, and Falun Gong

practitioners. Many Chinese rights lawyers, including

Jiang Tianyong, Tang Jitian, Liu Xiaoyuan, Li Heping,

Li Xiongbing, Li Fangping, etc, have been kidnapped

on numerous occasions over the past two years.

Pu Zhiqiang, a Beijing lawyer, said: “Li Zhuang was

released after he completed his sentence, so it is

a common thing. I don’t consider Li’s release a

victory for China’s legal system. Also some colleagues

are too optimistic when facing issues like these.”

With Li’s, release, the illegal court process and the

truth of Chongqing’s politically motived “crack down

on evil forces,” left many Chinese people and colleagues

of Li, with lots of questions, like: “Why did Li admit

to those ridiculous charges in the first court session,”

and “Why did Chongqing authorities indict Li on a

so-called “crime leak” two months before Li’s release?

Zhang Jiankang, a Shanxi Province lawyer said:

“I hope that Li can tear off the black cover on all of

the lies, such as how his case really evolved and the

lies behind Chongqing authorities’ so-called ‘cracking

down on evil forces’. I hope he lets the light in,

so people can understand what really happened and how

he fought against these evil elements related to his case.”

Economy Observer reported that, Li’s decent from

lawyer to prisoner created a huge reaction in Chinese

judicial circles and brought a negative image to

Chongqing’s “cracking down on evil forces” policy.

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Li Ruolin
