【禁聞】先射箭再畫靶心 評艾未未偷漏稅















Ai’s Conviction Before Trial

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s overseas media

reported that artist Ai Weiwei was suspected

of RMB20 million tax evasion.

NTD interviewed close people of Ai Weiwei,

who said that CCP has illegally forged Ai’s case.

Gao Ying said to NTD reporters on June 2,

that no official document was received for 2 months

about Ai Weiwei’s missing, and she felt that CCP

is fabricating stories about the RMB20 million.

Gao Ying: “Ai is running a small firm, incapable

of evading RMB20 million of tax. It’s ridiculous.

CCP convicts people before proofing them guilty,

the whole process is one big phony story.”

Ai Weiwei has had many exhibitions in Germany.

He personally investigated the students’ death-toll

after the Sichuan earthquake.

Exiled Chinese poet in Taipei, Bei Ling said

that China has an imperfect legal system

with corruptions everywhere across the country,

not many individuals know even how to pay tax.

Bei Ling: “Ai Weiwei was obviously mis-convicted,

as CCP took advantage of the imperfect tax law

to punish him politically.”

Qiu Huangquan, Taiwan rights lawyer, said that

CCP’s conviction on Ai was fundamentally illegal.

Qiu Huangquan: “It’s definitely against the law.

In a normal law procedure there must be sufficient

evidences and specific law codes’ clarifications

before arresting a suspect, which applies to any

civilized country. Ai Weiwei was by no means

arrested convincingly and CCP fails to justify this.”

In the Chinese Three Gorges Project (TGP) case,

recently 31 people accused of,billions RMB misuse,

were only asked to amend the problem themselves.

Wang Weiluo, TGP expert and engineering specialist

in Germany agreed that CCP arrested Ai Weiwei

before collecting proof of guilt.

Wang Weiluo: “No one can guarantee

that the TGP group will correct these wrongs.

Ai Weiwei is obviously treated with a bias.”

NTD’s calls on June 2 to Chinese rights lawyers

Liu Xiaoyuan and Pu Zhiqiang, were unanswered.

Liu Xiaoyuan was shortly detained after Ai’s arrest,

and Pu was suppressed for going to court to help.

Bei Ling called for a world appeal on June 4

with 1001 chairs petitioning for Ai Weiwei,

on Taiwan’s Freedom Square at 4:30pm to 6:30pm.

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Xue Li
