【禁聞】國企配合「淡季電荒」 百姓叫苦







中國煤炭運銷協會能源專家李朝林:「現在煤炭供應緊張,一個煤價上漲,成本提高,再就是說電力市場化改革也不夠,現在都是吃國家大鍋飯,電網啊利潤是不是賺的太多了,他的上網電價兩毛多、三毛多錢嘛,送電成本是不是也偏高? 」







“Power Shortage” Intensified by State-owned Plants

“Power Shortage” Intensified by State-owned Plants

In this off-peak season, over 10 provinces and cities

in China are facing power shortages, power cuts, and

blackouts. China Electricity Council predicted that

China’s east, middle, and northeast areas will be the

hardest-hit this summer, and shortages could increase

next year. The “power shortage” gives electric power

companies an excuse to raise their prices,

which in turn affects people’s daily power consumption.

Yu Yanshan, Deputy Director of the State Electricity

Regulatory Commission, told the National Economic

Weekly: “From coal-deficient provinces like Qinghai,

Hubei, and Hunan to coal-producing provinces like

Shanxi, Shanxi, and Henan, many other power plants

have shut down due to the ‘lack of coal’.”

It is the worst ‘power shortage’ in seven years.”

According to power industry sources, the so-called

“power shortage” exists not because coal is expensive

but because electricity is cheap. Plants are losing

money when they produce power, so they shut down.

According to China Electricity Council’s statistics,

from January to April, five power groups including

Huaneng, Datang, Huadian, Guodian, and China

Power Investment, lost over $1.54 billion, due to

Coal’s skyrocketing prices. Many small power plants

have also “shut down” after facing heavy losses.

Li Chaolin, an energy expert from the China Coal

Transportation and Marketing Association, told

Sound of Hope, “The ‘power shortage’ is due to

Electricity’s imbalanced market-oriented reform.”

Li Chaolin, an energy expert, said: “The present ‘coal

Shortage’ is due to high prices and high mining costs,

as well as electricity’s imbalanced market-oriented

reform. Electrical power groups don’t feel responsible

to society. They only care about making huge profits,

with an on-grid price of $.03 per kilowatt-hour and

a high-transfer power cost.”

The Economic Observer reported that small plants

might need to shut down due to heavy losses,

but state-owned power groups should focus on their

employees’ livelihood, instead of making a profit.

However, during this “power shortage,” state-owned

plants also shut down, affecting people’s daily lives.

According to the report, state-owned power plants,

which have dominated the market for the past 10 years,

have quickly expanded into nationalized monopolies.

But civilians are still suffering. PetroChina is now

complaining about petro prices being too low.

The current “power shortage” is being intensified by

state-owned plants and the CCP’s collusion.

Gan Shixuan (an expert from China Energy Net) said:

“In a coal-based power system, if the imbalance

between coal and electricity is significant, then reform

must take place. At present, the price of coal is set by

market value, while the price of electricity is

controlled by the CCP. But what I see is that over

10 provinces will raise their price of electricity.

Power usage in people’s daily lives accounts for

10 percent of the total electricity used in China, while

industries account for 90 percent of the electricity used.”

According to the Economic Observer, the current

“power shortage” will cause inflation to rise. If the

Development and Reform Commission (DRC) refuses

to raise power prices, this “shortage” could worsen in

the summer, during the peak season. Power will be cut

for more and more industries, resulting in decreased

production and higher commodity prices, which will

indirectly cause inflation to rise. But if the DRC raises

electricity prices, although the power plants will be less

burdened, inflation is sure to rise.

According to the report, if the CCP insists on

fostering a market economy, then a drastic reform

in the way state-owned businesses operate is needed.

The U.S. has about 500 power grid companies and its

electricity consumption, per capita, is five times

higher than China. Yet, it never experiences shortages.

This tells us that state-owned monopolies are not the

only way to guarantee a nation’s energy security.

NTD reporters Zeng Yaoxian and Xue Li
