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Can China』s Middle-Class Bring Democracy?

The recent revolutions in the Arab world are

lower- and middle-class uprisings.

Western media saw the revolutionary spirit in the

“middle class” as a powerful drive for democracy.

Is this also true for China?

Will China』s middle class become

the force behind democratic movements?

According to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ),

though the middle class is growing fast in China,

it is different from its Western counterparts.

China』s middle class chases after wealth,

and lacks political pursuits,

which is beneficial to the Beijing government.

The article says most mass incidents in China

are triggered by environment crises, inflation,

property demolitions, and salary disputes.

They mostly involve peasant and immigrant workers,

and seldom concern urban pollution and middle class.

Western social and political scientists question:

what goals is China』s middle class pursuing?

Will they perform politically?

China expert Cheng Xiaonong believes that

middle class in Western societies formed naturally

in a free economy, which is different from China.

Cheng Xiaonong: “In today』s China,

the middle class consists of two groups:

the various levels of party leaders,

and the business people relying on the party.

Once these people become rich, they want

to join the party and become congress deputies.

Do you think these people who wear “red hats”

would care about freedom and democracy?

In this sense, China』s middle class

is cultivated by the communist party.”

Cheng believes intellectuals in China can also be

considered middle class, but most intellectuals

rely on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as well.

Cheng Xiaonong: “When do you see intellectuals

criticizing the government? A few of them, who have

independent opinions, are oppressed or expelled.

The intellectuals in China are a relatively

independent and ineffective group

that lives off the party.”

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced

early this year that China』s middle class

constitutes 23% of the population,

a number that has been widely questioned.

Legal council Chen Shuqing: “A lot of white-collars

in China, other than those who work in government

agencies, cannot really be considered middle class,

especially not those who work in corporations in

administrative and clerical positions.

They look like white-collars, but they live as

“debt slaves” under a lot of financial pressure.”

The FAZ article says: “Career, housing, marriage,

and taking care of parents…

It may be too much to expect

the busy middle class to save the country.”

According to Chen, middle class within the system,

such as government agents, do not aspire to

democracy and human rights. They shout slogans

from time to time to vent and be fashionable.

Therefore, China』s middle class is not a strong force

behind the pursuit of democracy and justice.

What is causing the great differences between

Chinese and Western middle classes?

Both Cheng Xiaonong and Chen Shuqing think that

the CCP regime has been ruling with terror and lies.

Its brainwashing and political coercion

is suffocating.

When asked whether China』s middle class can lead

democratic movement like the middle class in the

Arab world, Cheng Xiaonong said China did not have

the conditions necessary for it to happen.

Chen Shuqing believes, however, that the situation

will change with time; and it is a matter of time

until the middle class in China realizes

that the political system is critical

to people』s rights, happiness and dignity.

And then they will also become a powerful force

behind democratic movements.

NTD reporters Zhang Lina, Li Jing and Xiao Yu
