【禁聞】一胎化惡果 老齡化和性別比例失調

















Bitter fruits of one-child policy

CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) leader Hu Jintao

recently declared, that the one-child policy will

continue to be rigidly enforced, to keep

a low birth rate.

But according to recent statistics, the issues of

“aging” and “gender ratio” imbalance are worsening.

Some scholars had published articles to call

on the authorities to stop the one-child policy

in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan.

But Hu’s speech chilled many people’s hope.

Hu’s speech at a meeting of the Political Bureau on

April 26th, confirmed that the authorities will carry on

the one-child policy.

But after enforcing this policy for 30 years,

now its bitter fruits have risen.


On April 28th, the State Statistics Bureau released

the results of the 6th population census, which

showed an increasing “aging” problem.

Compared with the situation of 10 years ago,

the number of people aged below 14 dropped by 6.3%

while people aged above 60 increased by 3.3%

and accounts for 13.3% of the national total.

Ma Jiantang, Director of National Bureau

of Statistics, admitted the severe situation of

“gender ratio” imbalance of newborns,

when facing foreign journalists.

Yang Zhizhu (former associate professor at China

Youth University for Political Sciences) said: “Why is

there an ‘aging’ issue?

That’s because of fewer newborns and teenagers.

By carrying on the current policy, the authorities can

never solve the issue of ‘aging’ but only make it worse.

And same for the 『gender ratio’ issue.

Why do people choose genders of newborns?

That’s because their gender preferences

could not be satisfied by having more children.

Previously it is not a problem because people could

have more children if they had 3 daughters.”

Yang said that CCP’s policy is to make people


The load to support the old shouldn’t be too heavy

in order to maintain human societies.

If people have fewer kids, their kids’ burden

to maintain them becomes heavier and

they will have less energy to raise their own children.

Liang Zhongtang, a member of the expert committee

of China’s birth control, has long opposed the

birth control. Since 1985, approved by the state, he chose

Yicheng County in Shanxi Province, to test his

theory of two-children and late childbirth.

20 years’ practice has proved that by loosening

the birth control, the population becomes smaller

than national average while all demographic indices

are better than national averages.

Yang Zhizhu believes that birth control policy has

become a combination of ideology and interests.

On the one hand, the policy was put forward by

CCP’s patriarchs like Mao Zedong and CCP’s

current leader Hu Jintao dares not go against it.

On the other hand, many of CCP’s officials get

promoted by enforcing birth control policy actively,

therefore they strongly defend it.

Yang Zhizhu said: “The Birth Control Commission is

a robbering gang, and many governors,

party secretaries and members of the Political Bureau

also belong to this vested interest group. Why?

There was a one-vote-down system about birth control,

meaning an official was dismissed if he didn’t fulfill

the birth control program.

These people previously vigorously enforced

birth control policy especially in the 80s and 90s and

owe many bloody debts.”

Yang Zhizhu was an associate professor of law at

China Youth University for Political Sciences.

Last year, he was dismissed because he had

a second kid, a daughter.

His choice surprised many people.

But he said that intellectuals also have the instinct

of protecting their offsprings.

Then what problems will the “birth control policy”

bring to China’s society?

The “Gender ratio imbalance” has made 20% of the

total male population unable to find spouses and

could result in phenomena like foreign wives and

human trafficking.

The “aging” issue will result in the depletion of

young labors.

There is already a labor shortage in many coastal

and inland industries.

Also, the “aging” issue means young people are

supporting more old people, but

China’s social welfare is still very weak.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Wang Mingyu
