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Chang Kun from Anhui Province, the founder of “Chang Kun’s Home”, provides a very small but free service center, hoping to fulfill his dream of “civil rights education starts from home." However, “Chang Kun’s Home” has encountered continuous interferences from the local authorities.

“Chang Kun’s Home"AIBO Youth Center was established in May, 2010. It provides 8 free services for the residents of Linquan County. In the center, students can read books and use the Internet for free.

The concept of community services was formed after Chang Kun studied in America in 2008. He was inspired by the services in the local community.

To establish “Chang Kun’s Home” was hard: first, it took him a few months to gain supports from his Family. His grandfather finally agreed to give up five rental stores to provide a free activity site for the community residents and his sister became the volunteer manager of the youth center.

Chang Kun: “Our home town has many problems, but we cannot abandon it. Hopefully we can slowly improve it, form a concept that education of human rights starts from home, understand our community and make it more beautiful and harmonious.”

Since its establishment, “Chang Kun’s Home “has received continuous warnings from the authorities. The community secretary asked him to close the center and not provide any free services. On April 3, 2010, the center was delisted. On April 4, authorities tried to prevent them from having an annual meeting.

Chang Kun: “Many local residents came to support us. They hoped to see the Chang Kun’s Home’, but they saw the harassment, cursing and violence coming from the local authorities instead. However, they told us that this was unforgettable and they learned more from this than from a meeting.”

On the incident day, Chang Kun had to stay in the hospital for observation from a brain injury. His family suffered varying degrees of injury. So far, police have remained indifferent, and the perpetrator is at large.

Lu Jun (a manager from Beijing Center): “What Chang Kun does can improve our health knowledge, legal and civic awareness which are in conflict with local authorities. A strong sense of legal and human rights will become a threat for wrong doings from our local authorities.

On April 9, “Chang Kun’s Home"AIBO Youth Centre opened again, surrounded by folks and young students wanting to express their quests for knowledge, books, Internet, an open dream community and justice. However, they are being monitored as always!

Chang Kun:"Entertainments are being encouraged and developed nowadays, but why not a learning center?”

Local resident: “It’s hard to do good deeds in China, Under our educational system, it is like addicted to heroin, about 80-90% of people are deeply poisoned. It’s rare to find someone who is clear-headed.”

At present, thousands of people participate in reading and Internet services at the “Chang Kun’s Home”. They’ve offered forums eight times. Participants were scholars, writers, reporters and NGO staffs from America, Hong Kong, and Japan.

Chang Kun hopes that through persistence and we would see the results in the community after a few years.

Linquan County was once one of the 17 designated drug areas. In 2003, it became the first AIDS prevention demonstration area.

Chang Kun is 28 and has engaged in community services for many years. His vision is “First gain supports from our parents and siblings, then from our relatives and neighbors, then from our local residents and in the end, our dream community will become reality!”

NTD reporters Liang Xin and Xue Li
