【禁聞】毒食品氾濫 學者:根源中共假惡暴





文章以「中華民族向錢看 到了最缺德時候」為題,指出:禮義廉恥,國之四維,四維不張,國之將亡。中華民族之所以全盤墮落,主要是上樑不正下樑歪。














Fake Foods: Not for CCP’s Elite

In China, the recently exposed “tainted buns,"

“lean meat powder," “beef cream" and other cases

set off a wave of panic of fake and tainted foods.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s leader Wen

admitted, “The lack of integrity and morals reached

a serious point.” According to experts,

CCP is the source of China’s moral decay.

Hong Kong’s Asian Daily published an article

scourging China’s current societal abuses.

It says, Chinese contemporary businessmen

have become the most immoral group.

For example, they sell fungi soaked with formalin,

dichlorvos-smoked ham, contraceptives’ fed eels,

melamine-tainted milk, dyed bread, etc. As a result

China seems to open an era of “Asia’s sick men".

Asian Daily’s article is titled “China is at its most

immoral time in history; everything is about money".

It stated that without the four social bonds

(i.e. righteousness, propriety, honesty and dignity),

the Chinese nation will be in a total decline.

It is the result of unrighteous leadership.

Shenzhen-based independent writer Zhu Jianguo

said that the supervision departments and the CCP

do not care about food safety issues.

Zhu: “Foodstuffs don’t affect CCP leaders’ safety,

as they don’t eat this food. So they don’t care.

People have asked CCP’s elite for years to cancel

their own special food supply channel. Public

food safety can not be achieved with it in place.”

Chinese media recently exposed “beef cream,”

a widely-used additive to turn pork into ”beef.”

The unscrupulous businessmen make huge profits.

There are other similar creams to fake meats too.

Anhui Business News cited a kidney expert:

“These additives can cause chronic poisoning,

deformity and even cancer if used in a long-term.

Yet, on April 18 Guangzhou’s Industry Bureau

announced, that as long as the government

doesn’t ban it, the beef cream can be legally used.”

Zhu: “Food safety issues expose regime’s decay.

It is hopeless if we do not rebuild it fundamentally.”

Wen worried about serious moral decline and called

to create an environment for people to talk the truth.

He also recommends economist Adam Smith’s

book, titled “Theory of Moral Sentiments,"

and translated by Taiwanese scholar Xie Zonglin.

Xie said, CCP is the source of China’s moral decay.

Xie: “CCP destroyed the traditional Chinese culture.

They do not treat people as human beings.

CCP discerns between “self” and “enemies” first.

It believes that ethnics are based on classes.

It has destroyed all righteous concepts.”

Since 1999, hundreds of millions of Falun Gong

(Falun Dafa) practitioners have been persecuted.

CCP has been using all evil and violent means,

to try and suppress the practitioners

of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.

Current Issues commentator Chen Po Kong:

“Falun Dafa spreads truthfulness, compassion

and forbearance, which could have helped

save the moral decline of China.

The CCP’s suppression of Falun Dafa practitioners

is equivalent to poisoning the Chinese people,

and worsening the social and moral decays.”

Gao Dawei, ex-Dean of Food Sciences College

at South China University of Techonology,

said that CCP promotes atheistic materialism

and denies retribution and justice, thus leading

the entire Chinese society to become materialistic.

Gao is Chair of Global Quitting CCP Service Center.

He said, as long as the CCP exists,

fake and tainted foods will not be eliminated.

Gao: “CCP has done all sorts of evil deeds.

It propagates atheism, destroying Chinese people’

5000-year-old faith, morals and excellent culture.

It lectures the philosophy of class struggle,

it destroys the natural environment and

promotes fakeness, evil and violence.”

Dr. Gao thinks, that the disintegration of the CCP

is the only way to rebuild Chinese people morality.

He said, spreading the “Nine Commentaries" and

quitting CCP can clear the poison instilled by CCP.

Then one’s conscience can be awoken.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu
