【禁聞】人民的血淚──強拆 國家的禍根?














Forced Demolitions, Bane of China?

Forced demolitions are Chinese people』s pain.

Last week, forced demolitions occurred again

in Shandong and Sichuan, arousing mass protests.

Experts said, forced demolitions brings China』s

property relations into chaos and it is a debt

which can hardly be cleared up after the fall of CCP

(Chinese Communist Party).

According to Radio Free Asia (RFA), last Thursday,

mass protests happened in Dezhou, Shandong,

for an unequal distribution of revenue from

land development. Developers rejected villagers』

material supply in land development projects,

arousing reaction among hundreds of villagers.

The authorities sent a riot team of 70-80

to disperse people violently, arresting 4 on the spot.

Villagers told RFA, that the local government

tried to lower the damage by utilizing the land,

but it still refused to give villagers compensation.

At the beginning of April, a villager asked online

questions on land requisition in Wulizhong, Dezhou.

He questioned, several years ago, the land

behind the village was worth RMB35,000-40,000

per mu, but now it is only RMB30,000. Dezhou』s;

official document promised to pay RMB300-600

for each jujube tree during full bearing period

but Wulizhong Village only got RMB500 per mu..

Also, jujube growers in another town

experienced forced requisition.

Mr. Wei (jujube grower in Dezhou, Shandong):

“You have to accept the deal of RMB30,000 per mu,

otherwise public security, procuratorial organs

and courts will make troubles, destroy all the trees

unscrupulously. We residents are like dogs, with no

security or anything! We normal people have now

almost no rights. They are all requisitioning and

developing land and building commodity houses.”

On the other hand, nearly 1000 Longqiao Town

residents were surrounded and forcibly repressed

by police when they were asking the government

for land compensation. Over 20 were detained,

more than 10 were hurt. Many residents

are afraid of being arrested and cannot go home.

A Longqiao Town resident told RFA, their land was

requisitioned three years ago with no compensation

or settlement. Last Tuesday, Town Government

gathered residents for compensation issues, but

ended up reading an official document released

several years ago and asking everyone to leave in

15 minutes. The officials said: “You can appeal to

whomever you want!” Residents went on a sit-down

protest, but over 20 buses came soon with around

800 riot policemen and security men who dispersed

residents with the excuse of disturbing social order.

The student leader of June 4th Incident, Wang Dan,

wrote in an article “The Land requisition in Taiwan

and China shows different political systems,”

that Taiwan』s Nationalist Party, afraid of losing votes,

will give up a development plan to protect the rights

of 2% of people who disagree. But in China, local

governments don』t have any rigid limitations facing

land disputes. Once a mass disturbance expands,

they can ask the central government to solve the

dispute by forcing social stability on the ground.”

Hu Ping, Editor in Chief of Beijing Spring, wrote in

the article “A war of land requisition, to rob and

to protect,” that though forced demolitions are result

of developers and government』s collaboration,

local governments get 200% profit while developers

only get 10%, according to Zhang Li』s (a CPPCC

member and CEO of Guangzhou Fuli Real Estate)

speech during CCP』s 』two conferences.』

Hu said: “Once China adopts democracy, the

clearance of this unprecedented unfair distribution

of wealth will be very complicated and heavy.

CCP』s previous resolution of first rob then reform

has brought China』s property relations to

unprecedented chaos. It is conceivable that

once China adopts democracy under the rule of law

there will be countless lawsuits and complicated

property issues to solve, about land and houses.”

NTD reporters Wu Wei and Wang Mingyu
