【禁聞】全球尋找艾未未 墨鏡哥道國人心聲















The World is Looking for Ai

After Chinese rights activist and artist Ai Weiwei

was detained by the Chinese communist authorities,

his whereabouts have remained unknown.

Recently, Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) media

started a new campaign to discredit him.

However, people from all walks of life

continue to support him. Some have launched

a global campaign to look for Ai.

One netizen made an impressive speech.

Let’s take a look.

One week after Ai’s arrest by the police,

his whereabouts concern people around the world.

On April 10, some groups in Hong Kong paraded.

With banners and slogans, they protested against

Beijing’s “trumped-up charges to suppress dissents".

The parade passed Beijing’s Liaison Office

in Hong Kong, requesting the release of Ai Weiwei.

On April 9, CCP’s mouthpiece Xinhua published

a lengthy English article, criticizing Ai’s amateur art.

In Chinese online forums and blogs,

there is a sudden surge of so-called “Secrets of Ai",

including economic frauds, tax evasion,

artistic plagiarism and aspects of his private life.

In a phone interview with BBC,

Ai’s sister Gao Ge criticized CCP’s practice,

“They cannot make the defendant disappear,

and then publish allegations at will.

Ai should be allowed to explain."

According to Hong Kong’s Ming Pao,

Commentator, Liu Ruishao, considers it to be

CCP’s usual trick to try blacken Ai Weiwei’s name.

Activists started an online action in search of Ai.

They posted search notices, hoping more to join in.

Many netizens changed their display pictures to Ai’s

on major Chinese internet portals and micro-blogs.

In a recorded video, a netizen said Ai’s arrest

is the sadness of China’s current political system.

This video is well-regarded by netizens.

The producer’s name is Brother Sunglasses.

Brother Sunglasses: “Ai Weiwei is innocent.

He advocates for Chinese people’s legal rights.

He supports the persecuted human rights activists.

He investigated various corrupt political events.

The CCP wants the Chinese to become blind people

without a world view, under its authoritarian rule,

to become people that don’t tell the truth,

and to be forced to swallow what they want to say."

According to Radio Free Asia, in Berlin,

netizens posted Ai’s pictures on the streets.

They even painted wall graffiti to find Ai.

Germany-based netizen, Su Yutong, made a slogan:

“You’ve gotten lost in your home country;

the entire world is looking for you."

A group of social campaigners in Hong Kong

also put up posters on the streets on April 9,

hoping to raise Hong Kongers’ awareness,

and urging for the release of Ai by Beijing.

Netizens in other countries have indicated that

they would “put up Ai’s posters in other cities".

Ai Weiwei served as an artistic consultant

of Bird’s Nest stadium for 2008 Beijing Olympics,

but he refused to attend the opening ceremony,

to not cooperate with the CCP’s propaganda.

He persisted in investigating 2008 Sichuan quake

and published a list of 5,000 students perishing in it.

In an overseas art exhibition, he used 8,000+ bags

to spell out the words from a victim’s mother:

“She lived happily on this world for 7 years."

NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Li Lu.
