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China’s military expansion worries the world,

but this year, their internal security budget

surpassed military spending.

What’s behind the military and security spending?

What does the large security budget mean?

This is what an expert had to say.

Political commentator Chen Pokong lectured on

China’s military expansion in New York recently,

explaining the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)

motives behind such an expansion.

In China’s financial budget this year,

security budget surpassed military spending.

Military budget increased by 12.7%,

reaching RMB601 billion, while

police, public security, and prison budget rose

by 13.8%, reaching RMB624 billion.

Security spending is for “maintaining stability.”

Chen Pokong said the actual military spending

is far larger than the official figure.

Chen: “The CCP’s military spending figure

is not accurate, as it does not include

high-tech development, machinery purchase,

and local government support.

Multiply CCP’s published figure two-three times

and you will get the real figure.”

Is outside threat driving the military expansion?

Analyzing three periods of military expansion,

Chen saw no outside threats.

The first expansion followed Deng Xiaoping’s

suppression of the 1989 Student Movement,

when the military budget rose by two digits.

Chen: “In 89, the military backed Deng Xiaoping

using killing to suppress the Student Movement.

Thankful, Deng said the military had passed a test.

He rapidly increased military spending,

raising salaries and adding military equipment.

This was Deng’s payback.”

The second two-digit expansion in the 1990s

targeted Taiwan independence.

Chinese regime pointed missiles at Taiwan.

At the third expansion, the Chinese regime has

put the Chinese people and Taiwan “under control".

The expansion fills a void in Asia left by the U.S.

The Chinese regime treated South China Sea

the same as Tibet and Taiwan last year.

This alerted Southeast Asian countries.

CCP also warned the U.S. not to enter Yellow Sea.

CCP expands its influence through the military.

As for internal security spending,

it surpassed military spending last year,

reaching RMB548 billion Why?

Chen: “The rise in spending on

‘maintaining stability’ indicates strong protests

from the Chinese people.

Severity of protests surpassed CCP’s expectation.

The Dalai Lama commented that the CCP admits

security cost is higher than military spending,

which means that it has more internal enemies

than external ones. This is a shameful situation."

As the Jasmine Revolution spread in North Africa,

scattered Jasmine gatherings occurred in China.

The CCP dispatched a large police force

to monitor and arrest dissidents.

Chen said the CCP is on edge, it’s lost its mind.

Chen: “CCP wastes tax money to suppress people,

while spending lavishly on themselves.

Chinese Central Television revealed this year,

that CCP officials use taxpayers’ money for

their own cars, meals, overseas travels.

The amount reached over RMB900 billion,

even more than their security spending.”

Commenting on “China rising,” “China threat,”

Chen said it is really “CCP rising,” “CCP threat.”

Chinese people and the world face the same threat.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Wu Huizhen
